
Started Playing: 29/05/16

Bastion Gameplay Update

  • Bastion
    Bastion .

I got this game at 75% discount price if I recall correctly, and I really enjoyed the 6 hours I played it.
My first impressions were the great graphics and art the game had. Plus the amazing narration from Rucks. The fight system was a bit weird at the beggining but after I practiced, I got my favorite combination of weapons+skill, and how to counter the enemies. It’s a quick-game, but you got New Game Plus so you can change a few choices you did in your first playthrough. Gotta recommend it. Hope I can get Transistor in a discount soon! (Summer Sale)

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Thank’s for your time to read this.

Finished Playing: 31/05/16


I never played a FPS so great as Bioshock Infinite (played twice, and I’m really thinking about play again (for some more achieves and monthly theme).
Columbia is amazing like Rupture was… so wrong if someone think it is just another FPS =/ and the characters and story are well made…. for so long this game keep in my top 5 favorite games.
I’m looking foward for these updates :D


It’s really great game, plus the ambient, sadly I updated it a bit late, this was for my Bastion update:P i just copy-pasted and started editing to see the live view.


Hahaha that’s why I made a “testing post” and before create a new one I edit what I need there and when everything is fine, I make a public post.
I have Bastion in my whishlist… looks a wonderful game, I really liked its art style (hand painted - just loved it).


Hahaha did it now:p Yeah, the art is amazing, the narrating too, you’re playing while you hear this awesome voice narrating your gameplay!


Another option is when you make a new post to un-check the option at the bottom that says “show this post in the group activity feed.” this will make it visible on your profile but not the front page. Then when you’re done editing you can check it again and it will appear on the front page.


Thank you!


Bastion is phenomenal! And I think it was the correct choice to play it before Transistor. When you finally play the latter, you’ll notice some similar themes to the story in Bastion but a very different combat system.