
February 2021

Gotta Crochet 'Em All!

Also Played This Month


Aaaaaw, Mini Relaxo! <3


Oh also: A Hand in the Darkness - still not playable on steam though, right? I still have to get to it. Like with soooooo many other games D:


If it’s inside your library (which it seems it is!) you can just normally play it through steam! :3 Prepare for much steaminess tho! :’)


Ah, that wasn’t possible for a while, so they returned it to us! \o/


I missed something. And I don’t really get why people review it with it being that touching or compare it with Undertale.
Have you played Omori? What did you think?

I dunno, it felt very touching and personal to me, got a bit teary during the ending (I’m actually a huge softie when it comes to this kind of things). I guess it all depends on if the game’s drama resonates with you well or not.
The Undertale comparison is mostly a meme at this point, almost anything, even if just a bit similar, can be (and will be) compared to Underale.


Then I won’t take the comparison so serious anymore x’) Thanks for clarification!
I think I missed the connection between the real world and the dream world and that it didn’t matter (besides the flowers) what I did in the latter. The search for Basil felt extremely touching for me too; and the overall happenings in the real world. Probably still have to try out the other routes. Have you and would you say they’re worth it?


The only other route there is Hikki Route that basically cuts all the plot out of the game (I mean, since you miss all the irl interactions, it’s understandable) and adds a new content for the dream world that you can explore in the late part of the game where you would already been at the finale at this point in Normal Route. Some new locations, very powerful bosses. During irl segments, instead of going out you’re doing your chores at home. It’s deliberately very boring and besides seeing a few things that inspired certain parts of Sunny’s dream world, there’s nothing much to be seen here. There’s also pretty much no satisfying ending here, since none of the problems get resolved.
tldr; if you’re looking for more plot in the new route, you won’t find much. It’s just more content at the end of the game to explore (most of completionist achievements are impossible to get without taking this route).


Ah, that’s a shame. Thought getting all the keys would lead to a different outcome and thus more plot :’) Maybe it’s still worth a try tho, as I’m curious about the optional bosses. Thanks for making things clear! :)


Ooooh, I see so many Hades recommendation, I can barely resist the urge to buy the game… What do you think, even for a dummy like me who haven’t played anything like this, would be fun :-D ?


The game is challenging! Tho, if it’s too hard one can always play with God Mode on, which grants you more resistance the more you die until you have enough to go through :) And it gets easier anyway the more you’re into it thanks to upgrades. So yes, I think it will! Besides, actually I haven’t played anything like this either and everyone sucks at this game in the beginning (or so I’ve been told), so I think you’ll be good :3


Really good to hear, I’ll add to my next-sale-wishlist then ^^ !!


This comment was deleted almost 4 years ago.


Damn, I love that venonat :D. Another recommendation for Hades, but I will not buy it until my challenge is finished! Nice work with those games, I like your insight of them


Thank you!
Guess Hades or main character Zagreus won’t run away anytime soon, so there’s probably no need to rush to get it x) Good luck on your challenge & assassination in general! :)