Goals for December
Not much progress happened as I predicted, well, we’ll go for what we have for now. There’s still next month!
Tales of Symphonia
102 hours playtime
19 of 39 achievements
The Mummy Demastered
10 hours playtime
37 of 37 achievements
I already thoroughly enjoyed Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Zestiria in the past, so Tales of Symphonia was no exception. Very fun, very detailed and nostalgic even though I didn’t grow up with Gamecube at all. They did a good job with cinematics and in-game camera angles. The Mummy Demastared was disappointing, probably one of the least exciting Metroidvanias I’ve ever played. It had many problems when it came to presentation and some minor yet very important details, so I couldn’t give it a pass.
I’m sure that I’ll be done with CLANNAD this month, and go back to some other games I intend to complete. Learn Japanese to Survive! Kanji Battle is on hiatus until I get to where I want to be in my Japanese studies. Finally, I wanted to play more of my won games, so I’ve recently added Dungeon Rushers to the list.