Lyselfia Yukisuna’s profile
Just another completionist wannabe, maybe? Maybe??
Goals for June
No progress happened in May, as I got sick the first half of it and got busier the second half of it. I’ve beaten Borderlands story mode but been waiting to finish the last remaining DLC to mark it as beaten. Other than that we have Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun to play every once in a while. If I can finish these games in time, I’d like to start my first Baldur’s Gate 2 gameplay as soon as possible.
Goals for May
My first time being a few days late on my report. Nothing much to say about this month, except that I got busier than ever with my life outside gaming and then got bedridden by a flu. Now feeling much better and trying to put things on track again.
Only one game as seen… At least it was a decent one. Papa’s Freezeria Deluxe might be for younger players, or people that don’t mind making sundaes over and over again.
Up next is Borderlands, and after that I’m planning on to start my very first Baldur’s Gate 2 playthrough. I’ve played and beaten Baldur’s Gate 1 without Steam so many times before, so it’s time to keep things fresh for a moment. I remember talking about playing Pillars of Eternity instead, but I think that could wait for another day, with a better timing and a better state of mind.
Goals for April
Less progress than last month as expected, here are the completed/beaten games of the month;
Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-
13 hours playtime
25 of 25 achievements
Warstone TD
49 hours playtime
123 of 123 achievements
15 hours playtime
24 of 24 achievements
Gordian Quest
54 hours playtime
no achievements
I’ve already shared my thoughts on Record of Lodoss War - Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, and how spectacular of a Metroidvania it was. Go get it if you’re a fan of the genre. Warstone TD is decent on its own and one can see that they really put some effort in it. However, the last achievement was locked behind the DLC called “Artbook & Soundtrack”. I felt ambivalent about it since it’s not a proper DLC to lock an achievement behind. I’ve already bought the DLC called “The Astral Voyage”, which has its own achievements. MagiCat will fool you by its cute and simple graphics, but it’s challenging as each stage offers a different puzzle gimmick. Gordian Quest is a great mix of RPG, Roguelike/lite and Card Battler genres. I beat the game and got 21 out of 56 achievements even though they don’t show up on here.
As I’m still working on Gordian Quest, I’m also playing Papa’s Freezeria Deluxe. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on it as soon as I complete it. I might go back to my beaten games and get some more achievements, or maybe even complete them as well.
Goals for March
Now that’s what I call progress! I don’t even know how it happened but I was able to make the best of February.
Zombo Buster Rising
2 hours playtime
24 of 24 achievements
Avernum: Escape From the Pit
123 hours playtime
35 of 35 achievements
Regency Solitaire
9 hours playtime
17 of 17 achievements
Eldest Souls
10 hours playtime
27 of 50 achievements
12 hours playtime
13 of 50 achievements
Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-
11 hours playtime
17 of 25 achievements
I don’t even know where to start talking about, let’s get the bad apple out of the way first. Zombo Busters Rising was a huge disappointment, felt more like a clicking simulator than a Tower Defense. I’ve known Avernum games since 2005 and Avernum - Escape from the Pit is the first one I was able to play on Steam. Good RPG all around, still able to set itself apart from other well-known competitors. Regency Solitaire is great if you’re looking for a cozy solitaire experience, probably one of the best and most original you could see on Steam. Eldest Souls, as you can tell from the title, is Dark Souls in 2D, and I loved it even though the story itself is non-existent and feels rushed. 20XX is where Mega Man meets roguelite, pretty fun with brutal achievements. Gonna be fun to get the rest of them. And last but not least, we have Record of Lodoss War - Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth; This is the game I’ve been looking forward to playing most, and I loved every second of it. It is a must-play if you’re also interested in elite metroidvanias.
I’ll work on my beaten games to get the rest of achievements and also try to beat/complete another Tower Defense game called Warstone TD. I think it’s pretty solid so far despite some bugs.
Goals for February
It has been an unprogressive month with changes to plans because I didn’t feel like playing or completing certain games on my current list.
Monster Slayers
81 hours playtime
22 of 22 achievements
Doodle God
15 hours playtime
22 of 22 achievements
Monster Slayers was challenging enough and didn’t complicate things further than they are. I wanted to play a different type of puzzle game this time, so I picked Doodle God. My impressions for both games are positive.
I started playing Battle Chasers - Nightwar but realized I was not exactly in the mood to play it, so I took an indefinite hiatus. Meanwhile, started playing Avernum - Escape from the Pit which is one of my favorite franchises from my childhood. There’s also Zombo Buster Rising because I was craving for a Tower Defense type of game. If I can shrink my unfinished games further, I could pick up Pillars of Eternity for March or April!
Goals for January
Another year has passed, and apparently I have completed/beaten around 40 games in this time frame. December has been a slow one as usual when it comes to progress, but for January I aim to be better.
Dungeon Rushers
30 hours playtime
23 of 23 achievements
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
126 hours playtime
50 of 50 achievements
One Finger Death Punch
25 hours playtime
108 of 152 achievements
Monster Slayers
13 hours playtime
6 of 22 achievements
Dungeon Rushers is an old (by today’s standards) and straightforward Turn-Based RPG, and there are surely better games of the same genre that already exist. If you don’t mind bugs that prevent you from getting some achievements (you can still get all of them legitimately), and if you’re completely out of options, you could give it a try. I cannot express my love enough for Icewind Dale with words, been playing it since 2013 before Steam, and loved every moment, alas it’s time to say goodbye… Don’t think I’ll be playing it for a very long time and will be moving on to other CRPGs like Baldurs’s Gate 1 & 2 or Pillars of Eternity instead. One Finger Death Punch will test both your patience and clicking skills, and I don’t know if I can get every achievement, at least any time soon… It’s still fun and addictive. Monster Slayers is another good addition, just when I was itching for another simple game, this time as a Card Game and Rougelike.
Besides working on Torchlight’s achievements, I really gotta complete Clannad this month, and then focus on the rest of One Finger Death Punch achievements. If things go according to the plan, I might start playing these games next!
Goals for December
Not much progress happened as I predicted, well, we’ll go for what we have for now. There’s still next month!
Tales of Symphonia
102 hours playtime
19 of 39 achievements
The Mummy Demastered
10 hours playtime
37 of 37 achievements
I already thoroughly enjoyed Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Zestiria in the past, so Tales of Symphonia was no exception. Very fun, very detailed and nostalgic even though I didn’t grow up with Gamecube at all. They did a good job with cinematics and in-game camera angles. The Mummy Demastared was disappointing, probably one of the least exciting Metroidvanias I’ve ever played. It had many problems when it came to presentation and some minor yet very important details, so I couldn’t give it a pass.
I’m sure that I’ll be done with CLANNAD this month, and go back to some other games I intend to complete. Learn Japanese to Survive! Kanji Battle is on hiatus until I get to where I want to be in my Japanese studies. Finally, I wanted to play more of my won games, so I’ve recently added Dungeon Rushers to the list.
Goals for November
November marks my one-year anniversary on BLAEO! Since I started my assassination journey, I’ve managed to complete over 40 games, and have beaten over 10. Let’s hope I can reach 100 completed games before next November or so, one can always wish…
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
30 hours playtime
52 of 52 achievements
Thief Gold
55 hours playtime
no achievements
16 hours playtime
37 of 37 achievements
Langrisser I & II
88 hours playtime
42 of 42 achievements
Cook, Serve, Delicious is a must-play if you like cooking games. Thief still feels so fresh even after 25 years, I really enjoyed it. Steredenn is a fun shoot-em-up with randomized stages, weapons, and eye-candy pixel art. Langrisser I & II was the least enjoyable apple of this bunch, I have mixed feelings about it. Definitely go for any other turn-based strategy RPG game if you can, it has way too many routes and in the end most of them turn out to be irrelevant and time-wasting, just look at my playtime…
This month might be the least productive one of the year, given that the current games on the list are not quick to finish at all. I’ll try my best anyway!
Goals for October
Decent amount of progress with some good games and some bad games.
Vampire Survivors
43 hours playtime
190 of 190 achievements
Hero of the Kingdom
4 hours playtime
38 of 38 achievements
35 hours playtime
47 of 47 achievements
Wasteland Remastered
32 hours playtime
35 of 35 achievements
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
24 hours playtime
46 of 52 achievements
What can I say about Vampire Survivors? We all love that game indeed. Hero of the Kingdom was a complete letdown and I didn’t enjoy its simplicity at all. Astronarch is a unique roguelike with auto-battles and I’d love to see a sequel happening. Wasteland Remastered is another letdown, it’s completely different from 2 and 3 and gameplay is pretty archaic with grindly achievements. Cook, Serve, Delicious! is probably the best cooking game I’ve ever played since childhood. Very fun game, though it has some unfair achievements as well and I’ll be surely getting them one by one.
These are the games I’m currently playing. I’m so close to finishing Thief and need to get better at Steredenn, it’s a nice shmup game so far. I’ll also be playing Langrisser II, which is another half of the game for the rest of the achievements.
Goals for September
Oh lord, lots of progress happened and I don’t know when or how! But these are the games I beat/completed in August:
Umineko When They Cry - Answer Arcs
109 hours playtime
23 of 23 achievements
planetarian HD
6 hours playtime
21 of 21 achievements
Blazing Chrome
13 hours playtime
39 of 39 achievements
7 hours playtime
13 of 13 achievements
There Is No Light
35 hours playtime
39 of 39 achievements
Langrisser I & II
38 hours playtime
17 of 42 achievements
22 hours playtime
23 of 66 achievements
I’ve talked enough about Umineko and how spectacular it was. Planetarian is another short but great novel with a captivating story. Blazing Chrome is a well-written love letter to good old retro shooters such as Contra and Metal Slug. Hue has a very interesting game mechanic involving the manipulation of colors, recommended for cozy gamers of all ages. There Is No Light was a bumpy start but with a great finish, The pixel art is breathtaking and the gameplay is challenging in a good way with 2D souls-like style.
Both Langrisser and Torchlight are going well so far, I found the latter more interesting and entertaining than the former though. It’s also the fact that Langrisser is a remaster of an old strategy game from 90s or so, still a good game.
So far, September’s goals only consist of completing Thief Gold and Vampire Survivors, but of course there’s always the chance of me playing other unexpected games if I end up finishing them way earlier than expected.
837 | games |
88% | never played |
3% | unfinished |
2% | beaten |
7% | completed |
0% | won't play |