Starting the year like a dragon
The year has started well: finishing Baldur’s Gate 3 and other games, starting some others that I had pending and… Waiting for Friday to start Persona 3 Reload!
I enjoyed this game from start to finish, getting lost everywhere and trying to solve problems in the craziest ways the game would allow me to do. The journey has been great and I have enjoyed every stop. Of course, I'm not fond of replaying games and for the achievements that meant a complete game with another character at the end I had to use other people's saves… I hope Saint Completist forgives me this fault 😳
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes 
It's funny because we just left him a few minutes before the end. But I don't recommend it at all. We finished it, buried it and will never talk about it again.
I'm a big fan of the One Punch-Man manga and I love that they make games from the saga but… this "fighting" game is a mess. Terrible controls, soporific gameplay and crazy load times just to start a fight.
Just playing it really knocks you down with one punch… (pun intended)
Although I have finished these three, there has been time to start a couple that are in the making:
After "House of Ashes" we were left with a bad taste so we decided to try this game that has absolutely all the dynamics with one caveat: you can remove the damn heartbeats.
Much better experience and with a story of teenagers at a summer camp being besieged by evil forces coming from the woods. What more could you ask for a fright night?
I have mixed feelings: I like the Judgement saga and, given that the gameplay is more JRPG style I was expecting a lot more changes in this game compared to the Yakuza saga.
Let's see, I like the game with that mix of Dragon Quest and Yakuza, but there are parts of the storyline really regrettable and situations that make me feel really uncomfortable. Saving the twisted and retrograde morality of certain situations, the game is fun but it suffers from the same thing that annoyed me in Judgement: the animations of the characters are very corseted. The characters look like dolls pretending to be human beings. I don't know, it's as if for years SEGA didn't want to leave their comfort zone and they've been stuck in old fashioned graphics and animations. Maybe they're trying to give you a nostalgia that I don't really have, or maybe it's just that this wasn't my game. For me it's overrated.
I only downloaded “Dungeons & Dragons Online” and “Killing Floor 2” to get free game items, so I don’t even bother to create a panel for them.
Happy assassination to all!
Congratulations on all of your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
I thought about picking up Infinite Wealth as my first Yakuza game but I’ve been told that I really gotta play at least like a dragon first, and now I’m wondering if I should.. not.
Is the village building fun? That part is the one that interests me the most.
Sorry, Zelrune, Persona 3 Reload has arrived and I’ve been completely absorbed 😅
What’s this village building thing, you mean the mini-game of managing a company? It’s a management mini-game that’s entertaining and not much more. It’s more about trying to manage the employees and their stats so that they can improve the business. Then, there’s the shareholder’s meetings that I don’t really understand their dynamics but I manage to pass them by tapping random buttons 😂
I understand that if you are advised to play Like a Dragon before Infinite Weath, it is a matter of knowing the history of the characters, isn’t it? I can’t tell you, for now it seems to me a goofy story (maybe because the main character is the typical good-natured brute) and…. well, I’ve left it until I finish P3R.