22 September 2024 | S24E08
Finished the story, played some of utopia mode, of course I intend to spend a couple hundred hours more in this game (at least). All of the reviews everywhere emphasize that this is a different game compared to Frostpunk so I'm not going to get into that but I absolutely loved the changes. I know some people hate it because somehow they expected that the sequel will be more-of-the-same-ol'-Frostpunk (HOW? There were beta gameplay videos everywhere…). The way I see it, now I have two excellent games to play, set in the same amazing post-apocalyptic universe. I don't have any actual review of the game. It's beautiful, it's full of nice little details and references, you have to make hard choices, you're constantly so pissed at your population that you can EASILY justify making fascist choices. And then take a step back and realize what you did. The city did not fall. But was it worth it?
How stable was it for you? I finished the story yesterday as well but had to deal with too many random crashes during that time.
I played the story during deluxe-edition-early-access (so no patches) and got zero crashes. It would lag at times when the game was autosaving, there was some sound stuttering, but that’s it. After day 1 patch Utopia Mode ran smoothly, aside from small UI bugs