January 2025

Not a bad start to the new year

Played: 8

Started: 4

Beaten: 4

Added: 3

Completion avg: 81.197% (+0.022)

Points avg: 4869 (+9)

Progress bar:

11% (144/1318)
25% (334/1318)
2% (26/1318)
59% (783/1318)
2% (31/1318)




Not a bad start indeed. Managed to cut back on adding too many new games (even in my birthday month), and beat a healthy amount. All of the beatens were fresh and enjoyable too, so i really have to thank the Play or Pay group for that. Doom: Eternal is not technically beaten by my personal rules, but like RE7, i've decided to wait until i grab the DLC before continuing

My completion rate got high enough last month that quite a few games came back for a percentage boost, rather than the usual points, so that's kind of new

  • Collected all of the monster souls in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. Bit of a grind, but not so bad
  • Finished the next B-side level in Celeste (with assists of course - i barely made it through the base game without)
  • Achieved "True Adventurer" in all the levels of Lego Lord of the Rings (basically just victory laps with different characters)
  • And then i'm still working my way through Slay the Spire. Beat the main game with each character, but now i need to do the true ending with them (along with some trick achievements)

For next month, it's mostly back to my chronological method. Finally got my hands on Divinity: Original Sin, so probably going to try start that, after Slay the Spire and a few polishes. Hope you're all having a good 2025 so far