May 2024

This whole month is not my finest hour

Played: 6

Added: 10

Beaten: 2

Started: 2

Completion avg: 80.799% (+0.011)

Points avg: 4657 (+38)

Progress bar:

11% (145/1262)
25% (317/1262)
2% (22/1262)
55% (696/1262)
6% (82/1262)




Didn't get much done this month - feels a bit bad..

We're working towards moving countries, so obviously that's gonna steal a lot of time, but then there's also work drama happening (thank god i'm leaving soon) *long sigh* It might be a while until i can get back in the backlog groove again..

At least i got something beaten, as well as improving a few scores, and starting a few news

To make my shame worse, i also collected a little too much this month. A sweet 6 of those came from a nice bundle, but i can't blame that - i'm the one who hit the purchase button