The Month of New Discovery
Started the month by completing a leftover game, which is Just Cause 2. I was so relieved to finally complete this game after such a long time. Despite my struggles with the game to complete, I still stand by the idea that the game is fairly good and worth picking if you want to play an open-world filled with action and destruction.
Remember, that if you choose to be a completionist and you strive to complete this, it will eventually pay off.
Verdict: Good
One of the best-looking games of its time and the largest open-world I've ever played. This game doesn't respect your time as a completionist. You're forced to grind 75% of the map in order to get this game completed. Although a fun game outside completion, it quickly becomes tedious and repetitive in clearing out the map.
Verdict: Bad
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure falls short of its potential as a platformer inspired by similar games. Unfortunately, it lacks the enjoyable and engaging elements found in its counterparts. With repetitive gameplay, lack of creativity, and a simplistic approach, it fails to captivate. While it might appeal to newcomers to gaming or young children without much gaming experience, I cannot recommend it to a wider audience.
After the completion of the first one the month before, I decided to give the 2nd one a shot. This time around, I started playing with my wife, but she gave up sticking until the end, therefore felt like I had to continue it myself. Still, it's a game, that I've not completed in March, despite being a short game. I got distracted with other games which I had a lot of fun. The game is not bad, but not great either. It doesn't seem to improve upon the first one, and in fact, it feels much less interesting that before.
Here you're asked to juggle between puzzles, but they are much more simplistic. I've either got the gist of it, or the game is struggling from making interesting and complex puzzles as the first did.
Verdict: Good
Skull and Bones has the potential to be a great pirate game. With an emphasis on combat and customization, this game could go toe to toe with Sea of Thieves if the developers would listen to their audience and provide quality-of-life improvements, gameplay elements, and more simulation/sandbox features.
After finishing To the Moon, I decided to continue playing this franchise even further, so my next objective was A Bird Story. It was a much shorter, sweeter story, that for some reason, didn't feel like it was connected with the rest of the games. No old characters were present, but the story was fairly good for what it was. The game told the story of a boy that was fairly isolated and only had connections with her mother, but barely got to be around her as she would spend most of the time working. You find at some point in this story a pigeon or a wood pigeon and after noticing it's injured, you take it home by not noticing it entered your backpack.
The game focuses on telling the story that comes after. It shows the relationship and bond the boy and the pigeon make and what sacrifices the boy must make. It's a fantastical story, filled with imagination and sad moments, but fairly touching and interesting, which I recommend after playing To the Moon.
Verdict: Very Good
A Bird Story tells a sad, yet wonderful story about a boy nurturing a pigeon. The story resonates very close to my heart, because I own a parrot as bird and a while back I took into care a wood pigeon that was sadly hit by a car. Although I had to give it to wildlife-trained professionals to assist the pigeon back into full health, I don't know what has happened to it ever since I gave it. I got no contact from the veterinarians.
I've played this game many years before with my wife, but never really owned this game. A few months ago, I won this game via Steamgifts and decided to revisit it and play something together with my wife. We both had a lot of fun and it was just as hilarious and fun as we remembered it. We laughed out heads off and despite not playing for a long time, I don't regret buying a copy for her to re-try it.
The game is not recommended for playing solo. It does have waves and such and completion can be done for the most part alone, but the real fun lies in playing with your friends. Sadly, the game feels fairly dead, and would be nice to see maybe a sequel for this. Luckily there's other similar games that I look forward to play with my wife and see if they hold up just as fun.
Verdict: Very Good
Gang Beasts is a very good and fun party game. I have had a blast playing this game with Arrmeya and despite being a simplistic fighting game you'll laugh so much you'll either have a headache or a stomachache. It's hilarious and I highly recommend it playing with your friends.
Verdict: Good
One of the best-looking games of its time and the largest open-world I've ever played. This game doesn't respect your time as a completionist. You're forced to grind 75% of the map in order to get this game completed. Although a fun game outside completion, it quickly becomes tedious and repetitive in clearing out the map.
After having a blast playing Gang Beasts, we decided to play something more serious together and that was Helldivers 2. It's as good as other people say. It's goofy, with a lot of hilarious and cringe-worthy dialogues, but with a good feel during combat, an interesting loop system, and a lot of fun to explore. Each world feel vastly different and unique, with its own biomes and environments, worthy of exploring, despite feeling somewhat similar. You fight two cations, the bugs and the robots, and they both carry their weaknesses and strengths very interestingly.
You can play this game solo, but due to its difficulty and the fact that you're pressured by time, it's difficult to get all objectives in time. It's a fun game worthy of experiencing and despite not writing a review for the game, I highly recommend playing the game if you have at least a friend to tag along in your journey.
This game I've beaten many many years ago. Possibly by the time it came out. I didn't own it, so I pirated before, but bought it as I made up my mind to never pirate again and play only original games. With the release of the sequel, I decided to try the game a few days before the release. And to my surprise, the game is as good, yet flawed, as I remember it to be. It was really nice to revisit the game in it's former glory, despite the eye-sore when it comes to the old graphics, I think the game holds up quite well.
As the release of Dragon's Dogma 2 approached, I have decided to postpone playing the prequel and jump straight into the sequel. Luckily, despite the several lore elements of how an Arisen is formed and the Dragon itself, there are no connections between the two games whatsoever, and can be played without even playing Dark Arisen.
The sequel made me realize how much I love this franchise. It's such a good game to explore, get lost, and test your blade, arrows or magic against foes. This game offers such a big leap in what the previews game was that it makes it seriously difficult to even consider completing Dark Arisen, yet I want to, for the sake of nostalgia and completion.
It is a game I gladly sank 50 hours and I will gladly sink much more. Despite it's technical flaws in the main city, the game run very well for me and I can't recommend it enough.
Verdict: Excellent
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an impressive game and by far one of the best games I've played in 2024. I'm excited to explore and complete this game and share more if ever I change my views on the game. I only wish it would get the fixes in performance it deserves. Other than that, I'd avoid taking people's complaints on the matters they don't understand because except for Denuvo and microtransactions, the game is a gem.
Games Completed this Month

Congratulations on your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
I thought about getting Just Cause 2 because the series was on such a deep discount a while ago but the whole “guns blazing rocket launcher” thing doesn’t appeal to me.
Also, what made you change your mind to never pirate again? The only game I ever pirated was the sims 4 because I was salty and wanted to play the games + DLCs without spending $1000 on it.

Just realized that’s a cat. That’s awesome!
Also, what made you change your mind to never pirate again? The only game I ever pirated was the sims 4 because I was salty and wanted to play the games + DLCs without spending $1000 on it.
I moved to UK. Initially couldn’t afford it, so I told myself, back in 2018, that slowly I’ll buy all the games I pirated. And so, I did. I’m almost to a point I own every single game I pirated. I never wanted to pirate, but money was never my friend. I want to give back to devs in a way or another. Sometimes winning a game I once pirated I think it’s rightfully correct for me to replay, complete and review accordingly.
Nice progress!
Congrats on getting all achievements in Just Cause 2! The game completion achievements can be quite a pain, but at least they didn’t make you do all 100% of it :)
True! I was determined to do it, but I would have burned myself to the ground in the process.