For the 90th Screenshot Sunday I decided to go a bit of a different route—let’s talk villains! In this example I wanna talk about the ones in Assassin’s Creed, specifically Brotherhood. The main baddie, Cesare Borgia, was anything but good. Not only does he have very little screen time and interactions with Ezio, they kinda made him into a man-child. He is literally just yelling and “crying” he didn’t get his “toys”. The real-life Cesare was much more of a “badass” and they should have tapped into him more when making the gaming counterpart. Assassin’s Creed 2 also has kinda one-dimensional villains. The first game by far has the best one in the series, and IMO, the first game has a much better rendition of a morally grey world. After that, we got simplistic Hollywood good vs. evil storylines that diluted what could have been a far more intriguing Templar vs Assassins dynamic.
Anyway, here’s a cool villain screenshot: