Super slav Sv. Prolivije’s profile
I’m a gamer,
Not because I don’t have a wife,
But because I’ve never smelled one.
I like to write reviews about games, mentioning stuff I like, stuff I don’t like, a meme here and there, a couple of GIFs, and jokes, lots of (un)funny jokes. And I know a lot of questions will be asked about my Steam profile picture, so I’ll go ahead and answer it here—yes, the mustache is very much real, and extra thicc. I also love to screenshot stuff in-game and play with the photo mode if there is one, so you should expect some goodies each Sunday, hopefully.
So, feel free to check out my Steam curator Gospel of Sv. Prolivije if you want to keep up with my cool reviewing escapades.
Or add me as a friend—I don’t bite, until the second date.
For the 90th Screenshot Sunday I decided to go a bit of a different route—let’s talk villains! In this example I wanna talk about the ones in Assassin’s Creed, specifically Brotherhood. The main baddie, Cesare Borgia, was anything but good. Not only does he have very little screen time and interactions with Ezio, they kinda made him into a man-child. He is literally just yelling and “crying” he didn’t get his “toys”. The real-life Cesare was much more of a “badass” and they should have tapped into him more when making the gaming counterpart. Assassin’s Creed 2 also has kinda one-dimensional villains. The first game by far has the best one in the series, and IMO, the first game has a much better rendition of a morally grey world. After that, we got simplistic Hollywood good vs. evil storylines that diluted what could have been a far more intriguing Templar vs Assassins dynamic.
Anyway, here’s a cool villain screenshot:
laughs in superiority
So, Screenshot Sunday #89 is totally on time, don’t look it up
But, a few hiccups made it so I missed the Sunday for this Sunday thing… but all is good, Thursday is the new Sunday if you subtract the 9 and then add the 5. Trust me, I’m a slavgineer. While I didn’t get many screenshots in the game (and 90% of the playtime is my brother), I still like to fire up Isonzo once in a blue moon. In fact, all of those WW1 games are fun once in a while. The one-shot=death gameplay is super satisfying, and each game is a beast of its own, with a different gameplay loop you must master. For Isonzo, it’s all about defending an oncoming onslaught. Think of it like Horde mode, but one group of players is the horde of angry Germans, while you are doing your best “Eeeei, I’m defending over here!” impressions, trying to keep them out. I can’t wait till they do the front my country was in, the Macedonian front, and I wonder what kind of gameplay loop they will use for it.
The game is quite beautiful compared to Verdun and Tannenberg. I really wish this game had a proper photo mode. Maybe I’ll see if the Nvidia App offers this option, so I can take some cool landscape shots in this game. Because my god, even with the fog of war splurged all over the Italian landscapes, they still look breathtaking
What a lovely day, for WAR!
It finally happened… well, last year, but still, I just got around to sharing it—for Screenshot Sunday #88, here is a cool shot commemorating my Herculean effort in completing my goal of reaching the pinnacle of competitive FIFA, Rivals’ Elite Division, by using a non-meta team, in my case, a Yugoslavia themed team. It was a long “project”, which began in September, when the game came out. I hit my wall early on, Division 2, and the players simply weren’t good enough to get past the challenges this division presented. However, the reason I even undertook this task (every year I would just build a Yugoslavia squad for shits and giggles, not actually play competitive games with them) was that Evolutions were now a thing. They are sort of “training camps” you can send specific players (they need to meet certain requirements, like have finishing at max 70 rated, max 90 pace, etc.) into them, which would boost specific stats and give them even playstyles, PlayerRoles or new positions, sometimes all at the same time.
So, after hitting Division 2, I began a long and arduous training arc, which ended around mid-December. That’s when I picked up where I left of, now equipped with my upgraded squad, and once again, asked the question, “Why not? Why can’t we be the Elites of this FIFA league? Why can’t we be among the best teams in Rivals? I don’t see why-why-why we can’t do that?”
That's one small header for man, one giant leap for the Slavs
And to make it even more special, alongside the screenshot, here is a video I made, a little montage, for my second climb to the top.
spoilers I will make a proper (long) video soon, a Slav Extended Cut if you will, that has my complete journey from zero to Slav Hero!
It’s almost 2025, so happy (early) New Year to you all. With it being a festive season, for Screenshot Sunday #87 I went with a little holiday spirit shot I took in EarthNight, a really unique runner (not endless tho) game. I highly recommend you guys try it if it looks interesting. It has that roguelike issue where you are way too easy to kill at the start, but once you unlock some of the game’s many powerups, the gameplay flow just unlocks and is fantastic.
So, again, Merry (late) Christmas and a happy New Year to you all, may it be less stinky than this one (if it has)
Def need a good deodorant after how stinky my year has been;
Anyway, (late) Merry Christmas and (early) Happy New Year
My goal in this year’s FIFA was to reach the Elite Division (the highest division) by only using a non-meta Yugoslavia-themed team. I managed to only reach Division 2 (which I would say is a massive success in its own right), and that’s where the problems started. My team was not good enough to compete against the more meta and crazy teams people in these higher divisions run. BUT, if I know one thing, it’s that in sports movies there is always that point where our heroes find a way to overcome the challenges in front of them—that’s right, it was time for a training montage!! And this training arc of mine took about a month and half of grinding dull games against the AI (mostly), with a cost of a million coins (worth it) as most of my squad was sent into funky Evolutions to receive upgrades to their base stats. Evolutions are hands down the best thing EA added to the game (aside from SBCs), because they can turn an unusable player into a usable one, which can stand up to even those OP cards in the game (mostly, ha).
Sadly, I don’t have a video montage for you guys (yet), so for this week’s Screenshot Sunday, #86 I’ll just honor my new and improved, Yugoslavia team and let you take in all its glory! Tito is Life; Tito is Love!
Goli Otok is the best training facility; look at how it revitalized my slavs. Looks like Elite Division is back on the menu, boys!!
Since I’m not at my place, I can only scramble for a pic from my pretty meager Steam Screenshots Vault. So, with that being said, I decided to use one of my unused (for some reason) shots from Shadow of War as my pick for Screenshot Sunday #85.
I really need to get moving and filter those damn 140k screenshots (52GB if you were wondering) and upload them to my sexy Steam profile.
Until then, cheers lads!
Rush B, Cyka Blyat!
Another week, another pic. Also, kinda old, as I went for a shot from Assassin’s Creed Revelations for my Screenshot Sunday #84 shot. I need to get back to playing all the games in order, as I have a very special thing I want to do for them. One of my favorite game franchises, even if I’m a little disappointed by the shift into a full-blown RPG. The action-adventure style I think suited the games more, and I think we need more of those types of games, since nowadays almost everything is some sort of RPG, or has some RPG-like elements that are usually there to make the game grindy.
So, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend you get yourself these games (a big winter-y sale is coming soon) and see why they are beloved by many (even if Ubisoft is clowned on frequently in online gaming discourse)
Welcome, assassin
… This is the least Screenshot Sunday out of em all, and I def need to get me some new (updated) shots, because I’m running out of old ones I can post here. This is ofc not the reason I didn’t post on time… I kinda just got hit by life. The swelling is down, so that’s good, and I can post my thing now (yay!). So, for this (not) Screenshot Sunday, #83 I went with a nice one from Halo 3, I believe from the final level as well. I gotta say, it was by far the best turn-your-brain-off game (I played on Normal). The whole campaign was a blast, and it was super satisfying to also leave this one as the last one for my Halo LASO runs. That last mission is just tailor-made for an epic conclusion (the Halo story but also my Laso journey). Please ignore the black bars on the side (they are tiny), I wasn’t a super big screenshot slav man back then.
Time to go out with a bang!
Hello all, I hope everyone’s week was, if not great, at least decent. For me, got a bit sick, ha. But that won’t stop me from posting my pics. So, for Screenshot Sunday #82, I’m gonna post one of my shots from my time with Remnant, a so-called Dark Souls with guns. It’s not, it’s a simple 3rd person shooter, with very minor similarities to the FromSoft (inspired) games. No death penalty, easy respec, and a chaotic action that doesn’t follow the more “intimidate” combat of the souls games (which are all melee-focused as well). I do recommend the game, but yeah, just don’t go in with this false expectation that it’s Dark Souls with guns (I know for some the link to that franchise might make this game look unappealing).
And if that ain’t enough to get your juices flowing, there’s also a sexy bug lady, so that might be worth checking out, right?
Mrs. Iskal Queen, you're trying to seduce me... aren't you?
Ok, so I’m a bit late, but only a bit. Note to self, do not install Windows when you need to post silly stuff online on a “deadline”. Now that that’s out of the way, the Screenshot Sunday #81 can commence. For it, I’m gonna post a pic from a game that a friend reminded me about a few days ago, REalM: Walk of Soul. It’s such a fantastic 2D horror/puzzle game, with a captivating story, even if it’s a bit vague during the first playthrough (needs two). I wholeheartedly recommend this game, and I loved some of the scenes and how they were depicted. Enjoy
1270 | games |
70% | never played |
5% | unfinished |
25% | beaten |
0% | completed |
0% | won't play |