Congratulations on your assassinations!!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
How did you like Submerged? There is a second game they’ve made a ton of improvements on I liked quite a bit; but it always makes me wanna play Subnautica.
i found it a bit mediocre to be honest, i wanted more from the game. the gameplay is very limited and you dont have any voice acting or at least some text dialoges in there, some more depth in the story and characters would be nice.
Congratulations on your assassinations!!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
How did you like Submerged? There is a second game they’ve made a ton of improvements on I liked quite a bit; but it always makes me wanna play Subnautica.
i found it a bit mediocre to be honest, i wanted more from the game. the gameplay is very limited and you dont have any voice acting or at least some text dialoges in there, some more depth in the story and characters would be nice.