Ancient Enemy - solitaire with odd writing
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - mixed feelings on this one - short bursts of genuine fun (also, Alkibiades is certainly worth meeting), nice world map, but a lot of repetitiveness
Discolored - tiny puzzle game
Dungeons of Dreadrock - lovely little gem with a few great out-of-the-box puzzle solutions, highly recommended
The Fall Part 2: Unbound - the original hit my buttons more, but the Fall logic is as enjoyable as ever
Foregone - nice, straightforward pixel action, simple and satisfying
Hook - finally got around to it, relaxing puzzle game
I am Fish - never was so terrible at something as navigating those jars around…
Inspector Waffles - nice low-pixel adventure
Lake - personally, I was rather underwhelmed by this one, felt… uneventful, which could be deliberate, for a slice-of-life game, but not what I was after
Luna’s Fishing Garden - short and sweet
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure - I probably enjoyed this more than someone my age should :P
Pilgrims - tiny slice of Amanita ^_^
Shady Part of Me - good art, the story lost me along the way
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge - colourful and upbeat
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - BD-1 is the heart and soul of this game, loved it, but it could use a fast travel/easier way to re-visit some of the areas
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge - fantastic blast of nostalgia, gets the tone just right, great in co-op
The Almost Gone - wasn’t my cup of tea
Congratulations on all of your assassinations! ahaha Odyssey was repetitive, but I loved it so much I 100% the game, easy fun. Origins I think was one of my favorites.