
January 2024

Game of the month: Ghostwire Tokyo

Finished games:

  • Luck be a Landlord

    33 hours playtime

    103 of 186 achievements

  • Wall World

    20 hours playtime

    21 of 24 achievements

  • Unheard - Voices of Crime

    4 hours playtime

    10 of 12 achievements


    5 hours playtime

    31 of 44 achievements

  • Bright Memory: Infinite

    3 hours playtime

    12 of 30 achievements

  • Ghostwire Tokyo


  • Escape Academy


New games:

  • Cyberpunk 2077

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 57 achievements

  • Wall World

    20 hours playtime

    21 of 24 achievements

  • Unheard - Voices of Crime

    4 hours playtime

    10 of 12 achievements

  • Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

    4 hours playtime

    9 of 25 achievements

Quick thoughts:

Luck be a Landlord


A simple in concept game where you are playing slott machine, and after every roll you are adding the pictures on slots to get higher combos. To win you need to have a specyfic amount of money after every couple of rounds. At the beginning it is very confusing, because there are a LOT of different combos and you need to remember what is what, but after a couple of rounds it is starting to become clear. And it is almost as addicting as real slot machine. There are 20 levels of difficulty, and I beat them all, so I think we can agree, that I beat the game,

Wall World


A little kinda roguelike game, in which you are searching for mines, mining ressources, using them to upgrade your vehicle, and fighting hordes of monsters. You can also upgrade your base between rounds - giving you better start in next round. I LOVE the concept (and yes, I know it is from Dome Keeper), BUT the game is a bit too easy to be fully enjoyable roguelike. At the beginning you are completely destroyed by the monsters, but I thing I need two runs to upgrade my base highly enough, to demolish every monster. And then you just need to do similar runs a few more time, because you need to find a few key items to finish a story, and there is only one item per run. There is also a DLC, which helped a bit, because it is harder, but in the end it was just more of the same.

Unheard - Voices of Crime


An interesting concept in which you can walk on a crime scene, listen to the whole environment and dialogues form the past, and deduce, what really happened. There are multiple people doing things at the same time, so you need to go back and forth in time and keep track of who said what, where and why. All in all, if you are consistent, the game is quite easy, and there is no penalty for wrong guesses, so everything is quite relaxing.



And adventure game about a girl, whose house is attacted by monsters. It was ok, but absolutely nothing particulary interesting, and in the end I was a bit bored. It is also clearly a part of bigger story, and I’m not a fan of releasing part of the games separately.

Bright Memory: Infinite


This game exploded a few years ago, because everyone was in shock that you can make such a detailed game with such small budget. Today, I feel it loosed some of its charm and it is “just” a decent FPS game, Doom style. Short, extremely linear, with good combat and bosses. Nothing particularly brilliant, but a good fun for funs of the genre. Suprisingly, I feel it’s “tech demo” - Bright Memory - was a better game.

Ghostwire Tokyo


Is this a good game? Heck no - it is repetetive and can be quite boring. BUT it tickles parts of my gaming brain which I love. It is kinda FPS, kinda parkour game in Tokyo contolled by monsters, and every human beside our character is gone. And I absolutely love the setting - I love running through completely empty city and exploring it, searching for loot (there are TONES of collectables). Because of that I had great time, but I cannot recommend it to someone, who is just searching for good open world FPS .

Escape Academy


A series of escape room puzzles connected by a plot. Nothing groundbreaking, but enjoyable. The puzzles are nice, a bit on an easy side, and the plot is competent enough to give a reason to continue playing.