Trilled Meow
  • Goosebumps

    12 hours playtime

    40 of 40 achievements

  • Kingdom Tales

    12 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Living Legends: The Frozen Fear Collection

    12 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Heavy Rain

    24 hours playtime

    35 of 56 achievements

  • 199X

    8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Layers of Fear (2016)

    16 hours playtime

    13 of 27 achievements


Detectives! Mystery! Murder! Ghosts Halloween and Horror Literary Ties Short Steam Sales USA

This seemed like a fairly weird game for its type. You can play with a controller. There were no hidden object scenes or traditional puzzles, but there are strange things you can do, such as throw items down a hole that would could you from completing the game. It was okay and actually made a lot of use of various Goosebumps books. But after a few playthroughs getting all of the achievements, I've had enough.

Kingdom Tales

Achievement Clean Up Medieval Probable Junk or Won't Like Short

Not a great game by any means, but I was in the mood for this kind of quick, easy gameplay since I could quickly beat a level here and there while working. There were some Hercules games like that that I think were better.

Living Legends: The Frozen Fear Collection

Folklore & Mythology Ghosts Literary Ties Medieval Short Winter Won on SteamGifts

A little winter in the hottest part of summer (I apparently wrote this half a year ago). This was picked for me for Pay or Play back around then.

This is two hidden object games packaged together. They're based on The Snow Queen and Snow White, and both feature an ice theme. The shared theme can make the two seem a bit samey if you play back to back, though. The first game was shorter and I thought ended abruptly. But the second felt too long. You don't really go back to old areas in either of these games.

I guess technically the second game (based on Snow White) is supposed to be better, as the "scenes" are voiced. However, the voice acting is so bad that almost makes it worse. There is a cute "mini-game" that allows you to buy upgrades for a pet's abode (after you find it). Honestly, that was the best part of either of these games. As much as I want to include a screenshot of my squirrel, it seems like a spoiler because seeing the upgrades was the main drive to play. :(

Heavy Rain

Achievement Clean Up Are We the Baddies? Detectives! Mystery! Murder! French Voice Acting Medium Steam Sales USA

After doing something I don't remember to get the broken controls to work, this was alright. Mainly, I want to know what in the hell happened to the mother? Maybe it was the endings I got, but it was like she showed up to run her mouth and was never seen again. There should have been an ending where we could frame her. On that note, I'm still working on endings, but I doubt this is one I'll ever get all of the achievements in since I don't have time or patience to sit here and perfect a bunch of button prompts.


ABC List Are We the Baddies? Dystopia - The World Gone Wrong Noticeably Good Music Quirky Short

I guess this was better than I thought it would be? It's basically a walking simulator. It has some interesting music you can find. As for the story, I'm not sure I ever came to a conclusion about any thoughts on it. It's somewhat interesting and definitely an original story for a game, but it also seems like something a horny teenage boy would come up with.

Layers of Fear

ABC List Achievement Clean Up Bad Romance Cool-looking Ghosts Halloween and Horror Short

While every once in a while somethign was interesting, I really didn't like how the house changed every time you turned around. That left it with no real sense of place or setting for me. Maybe it was supposed to be like the drunk dad's experience or something, I don't know. Regardless of the reason, that format wore out its welcome for me almost as soon as I saw it going on. It just seemed like a lazy way for the developers to do whatever they wanted and expanded the game with disconnected sequences that felt endless.