
Six Series 24.3

I powered through a few games on Game Pass before my subscription ran out. (and I won't renew it just yet)

Game Pass
6 hours
18/29 achievements (62%)
2021 Adventure Pixel Graphics
14 hours
2008 Adventure Action
Game Pass
10 hours
18/82 achievements (23%)
2019 Bikes Racing
Game Pass
4 hours
11/18 achievements (61%)
2018 Comedy Casual
28 hours
2017 Visual Novel Anime
21 hours
11/60 achievements (18%)
2014 Racing Simulation

I have a couple of the LEGO games from GOG, and they all look like decent fun. Nothing genre-defining, but honest hehe that’s why I love stylized graphics, they age so well! Games from the PSX era that tried to lean towards realism just …. shouldn’t haha


LEGO games are all fun and usually have a ton of characters to unlock. However, they can be repetitive and uninspired at times.
And it’s funny you mention the PSX as I installed Duckstation two days ago (along with PCSX2 and PPSSPP) for some Sony retro gaming exploration.