
October 2016: Halloween revival?

So after seeing some beautiful updates in the last few days I kinda fell in love and decided to adapt them to my posts (older posts have been updated) since the design I was using was taking too much of my free time to just write an update instead of actually playing games. Instead of an immense wall of text, I’ve now added a link to each game’s review. I believe now the whole post is more simple and clear to read! And I also upgraded my profile. What do you think?

Games finished this month (2)

With such a innovative Monthly Theme I had to finish some games if I wanted to participate! Yeah, I barely submited anything of quality, but it was really fun to see other people's beautiful screenshots!


Monthly Theme 2016
Screenshots My Review
3 hours, 2/13 achievements (15%)

BioShock Remastered

Monthly Theme 2016
Screenshots My Review
15 hours, 31/65 achievements (48%)

Games played this month (2)

So this month I've actually made some progress on Dark Souls! Unfortunately, I stopped at Capras Demon because it was annoying as hell. Will return when I'm in the mood. And with all the hype (and Thyreos' amazing journey!) I've actually bought the Legendary Edition of Skyrim and, as you can see, I made some progress and can't really stop playing it. I'm loving it! I'll try to not play that much and focus on NoBaGaMo games since I own some games that I want to play.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

27 hours, 10/75 achievements (13%)

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

12 hours, 4/41 achievements (10%)

Games added to the backlog (7)

Sadly I added a lot of games this month, all of them bought (Skyrim Legendary Edition and Humble Day of the Devs Bundle) except Child of Light that was a sg win. For the rest of the year I'm promising myself to not buy any other games but no one knows how winter sales and humble bundles will go!
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    27 hours playtime

    10 of 75 achievements

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 75 achievements

  • Child of Light
    Child of Light

    0 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • Oxenfree

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 13 achievements

  • Broken Age
    Broken Age

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 45 achievements

  • Grim Fandango Remastered
    Grim Fandango Remastered

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 47 achievements

  • Titan Souls
    Titan Souls

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 27 achievements


    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 28 achievements


Month Finished Added Balance Most Satisfying Reduction Most Exciting Addition
October (2016) 2 7 +5 BioShock Remastered Skyrim: Legendary Edition
I've actually marked the original versions of BioShock as won't play since I'm playing the remastered versions. I think this is the correct way right? I'm not yet sure if I will leave the Games added to the backlog section like this or not. And, lastly, I've created a "few" more lists to organize my profile! :)

I love your profile!! Everything looks so neat and well organised! I’m totally not jealous! ;)


Ahah thanks! Only took what, 4 hours to update everything? ^^’ Time I could’ve spent playing skyrim :’(


Sounds like a good excuse to play Skyrim all day! xD


I also gave in and bought the BTA of the Devs bundle, now I’m just wondering whether to add or gift most of them. Gotta keep an eye on those backlog-calories.

I’ve actually marked the original versions of BioShock as won’t play since I’m playing the remastered versions. I think this is the correct way right? I’m not yet sure if I will leave the Games added to the backlog section like this or not.

I don’t know what’s the ‘correct’ way really. If I have different versions of a same game unplayed and I finish one version I’ve decided that I’ll check all versions as beaten, if the ‘redux’ or ‘remaster’ is similar to the original story-wise. In the case of these Bioshock remasters, I still have them as ‘unplayed’ because I already know I’m going to play them at some point. :)


Yeah, I’m only giving away Lumino City (it wasn’t interesting to me, i don’t really know why) and Oxenfree since I had a friend offer me a code of Oxenfree (he had no interest in it and knew it was on my wishlist).

Well I see where you are coming from but I’m not quite sure yet. I think I’m gonna research and see how the other members are doing it and will probably update it later (and reference it in the next monthly update, too).


I really like the design of your post :) I see you bought the Humble Bundle :D I have too but on the steam store! Can’t wait to play oxenfree :)
Annd you will enjoy Skyrim I’m sure :D I never finished the campaign tho.. My saved always got corrupted :/ (maybe I used too much mods haha :D)


Hey! We need to have another rocket league tournament so we can actually play together! (Even though I haven’t played since the last one… oops)
Yeah, I only saw it on steam store today but since I only bought the BTA it was better to buy directly (since I had no interest in Day of the Tentacle)

I am enjoying it! I just haven’t had much free (followed) time so I have been playing in short bursts (30 minutes to 1 hour). I am using a few of them but mainly fixes and patchs (no graphics mod excluding the unofficial textures). You should try to come back too! hype train~


Ohh a lot of people going for this look now. Can’t actually remember who was the first person to use the sideways style now but it just keeps getting better.


Yeah, neither can I! Ahah thanks! :)


BioShock is my favorite out of series and in fact it’s the one i have played through last :D The story was really well done and introduction to Rapture. Feeling was just right for that game. Limbo was pretty cool puzzleplatformer as well so really nice games you played there in fact all 4 out 4 of them. Never have played Skyrim DLCs myself, but maybe someday when i will own it on steam :) (have Oblivion waiting for a playthrough after all as well).

Played Dark Souls 1 at least 3 times through and while ago got it through trading after all this time on steam, funny thing that i had bought DS 2 and 3 there already while ago. DS 1 i didn’t because needed 3rd party program to be playable on pc don’t know have they fixed this yet.


I’m starting to see that I own quite a good amount of good to excellent games yet to play so it always feels good to beat the backlog.
I always like to play the whole series when I’m playing a game but in the case of Elder Scrolls I know I just couldn’t get into the prior games even though they might be great games, I just couldn’t get into a 1000h game series with outdated playability and graphics. Well, good luck with your journey on Oblivion though!

Yeah, you kinda need to use DSfix but it’s easy to install so it’s all good. I am liking Dark Souls but I feel like I need to be in the mood to play it (a.k.a. no stress at all and free of anything to do to enjoy it) so it’s a little hard to focus on it and play it all to the ending.


I tend to play them in order from oldest to newest as well, but i don’t think it’s needed in TES series. Though there is back story for each area there, but can get it from otherwise as well :) Today i commented on SG being bit sad that i didn’t know about Morrowind back in the days when it was hot, should have played it through back then. Oblivion is quite clunky to play already so Morrowind must be too dated, but i prefer Oblivion as game over Skyrim myself. Thanks i don’t think i will spent 1k hours on it when i start playing, just try to do most content away and finish that DLC which i didn’t get into back in the days :D

I really dislike Devs being lazy like that and leaving things to consumers like that, that’s why i never bought the first title while i did buy the others. Good thing that there are helpful and talented people around to help us with problems like these or other kinds :) DS is my other favorite game series and indeed it might need right mood for some people. I just play what ever i got under my nose, though some games tend to become bore. Claymore is good weapon to go and you can even play full game through with it easily. Good luck with Dark Souls you will need it in some places o.o


Yeah I meant to say 1000k on the TES series and not on a single game xD


Ah indeed you did! :D But it’s possible still play easily these games around that amount (even one game) through modding etc :)


Well yeah, even though I’m loving it I can’t see myself playing that amount of hours on a single game xD