“Cleaning mission” 2nd report (with April 2017 Monthly Challenge):
Last weeks was difficult concerning gaming, i mostly played games which was between average and horrible.
A strategy casual game which was average. Story is nearly cliché, not a lot of difficulty and there is only 2 songs. Can be good pick if you wanted to play 20 minute sessions at a strategy game.
Oh my god, this game is horrible. Controls suck, really, and some moments are very difficult because your character has a really bad handling. It was a torture, don’t touch this game, there is many better platform games.
It is a part of my April Challenge and it is a casual/ puzzle game, i don’t appreciate it a lot. Nothing extraordinary, nothing horrible, but i’m not the target audience so it’s difficult to judge. I could complete the game if i spend 1 or 2 hours more to play it, but not now, maybe in some weeks.
Also a part of my April Challenge. It was not a good game (very basic gameplay, my eyes bleed at some moments specially Rory model), but it was not horrible: last adventure scenario was pretty intersting, and it’s was a pleasure to discover new Doctor’s adventures. I spent 1$ for the game it worth it, 5$ maybe not.
Now, i’m ready to watch season premiere tonight.
I also began to play these 2 games and it was a real pleasure after a Zombie Ballz or Three Dead Zed session.
End of the report
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Nice progress. I hope they make a new doctor who game with a lot of funding. Can you imagine an RPG open world doctor who game where you can customize your own character? You can choose different species such as Timelord, human, Zocci, Judoon, etc. Then the world map could be different planets you can venture to which will have different side missions depending on what species and characters need help on those specific planets…. It can even be co-op and someone can customize a companion.
Ok, I got carried away, but yeah I hope they make a new doctor who game :P I played Braveland Pirates which is more fun the Braveland, but it’s still a cliche strategy that is pretty much fun for short bursts. Also how is Beat Hazard treating you? I tried it but it just hurt my eyes.
There is an other Doctor Who game, “Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock”, it seems better but in same style that previous one. I am not very hyped by your idea, what i love in Doctor Who it’s the doctor himself and the scenario, and i am not sure a RPG open world game is the best way to adapt the show. I will try a such game because i love the show, but i think a point and click game, like Telltale ones, is the best option to adapt the show.
I will play Braveland sequels i think if i won them on SG, or if i found them for 1$, it’s a good game when you don’t have a lot of time. Concerning Beat Hazard, i enjoy to play it but only on short sessions, i can bear it 20 minutes after my eyes begin to bleed, the developper is crazy.