
July Summary

  • hi i forgot to post this!

This is so late! I don’t remember July at all, woops~

My profile has a summary of each month and here is the link to last month’s summary. <3

Beaten +Backlog Difference Achievements Most Satisfying Finish Most Exciting Addition
5 6 1 964 Murdered: Soul Suspect Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

Beaten: 5 Games

  • Murdered: Soul Suspect
    Murdered: Soul Suspect

    27 hours playtime

    48 of 48 achievements

  • The Cat Games
    The Cat Games

    68 minutes playtime

    16 of 16 achievements

  • Loading Screen Simulator
    Loading Screen Simulator

    63 minutes playtime

    19 of 19 achievements

  • NEKOPARA Vol. 1
    NEKOPARA Vol. 1

    3 hours playtime

    14 of 14 achievements

  • NEKOPARA Vol. 2
    NEKOPARA Vol. 2

    5 hours playtime

    20 of 20 achievements


Congrats on the progress! How is Yonder? I’ve been pondering about getting it but I’ve heard mixed feedback.


Thank you!

Unfortunately my feedback on Yonder is also mixed! At it’s core I think it’s a really solid game and anyone who enjoys the life sim genre would probably like this game assuming they don’t have really high expectations! Because overall it feels like an unfinished game. It does seem like they have lots of updates planned though. I feel like maybe it should have released early access? It might be worth waiting for updates, but as it is now I still think it’s a good game and worth playing if you aren’t expecting the next Stardew or something. :3


meh, I think I’m gonna relaunch stardew instead and see how it gets updated then. Thanks for the feedback though :3


No problem!! Definitely play Stardew if you’re not done with it. :) multiplayer hypeeee


Well done on fully completing Murdered: Soul Suspect! And I’m pleased to hear you were satisfied with it - although I’m not sure how much I’d enjoy the others games you played lol! I got close to 100% but I somehow bugged one of the quests… but I think it’s well worth playing and it pleases me to see someone else enjoy it. The demon slaying wasn’t a highlight though :/