July Progress Picks: Alan Wake, L.A. Noire and Night in the Woods
I could have included any of the games as my highlighted progress pick, quality wise it has been that good of a month!
Alan Wake
19 hours playtime
38 of 67 achievements
L.A. Noire
48 hours playtime
60 of 60 achievements
The Long Dark
22 hours playtime
18 of 22 achievements
Night in the Woods
12 hours playtime
18 of 31 achievements
12 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Alan Wake - My first impressions were mixed. The weird camera angle of being positioned to the side of the character made me feel like I was moving diagonally, making some of the platforming sections a pain until I got used to it. The enemy encounters became an early nuisance too, having to direct your light on them before being to damage while avoiding getting flanked, rushed or an axe thrown in your face made the combat really feel like a challenge on normal mode with a lot of movement, awareness and dodging required. Oh one of the worst parts of the game for me was early on you’re forced to make a last stand without any weapons… I had to rely on a temporary ally to shoot whilst I directed the light on them, for several waves, that wasn’t fun!
Yet after finishing the first couple of chapters and getting access to more powerful weapons and stronger torches (yes that’s how important light is!) I began to start finding the game more enjoyable. In fact I’d recommend normal mode having completed the game as I feel like if I’d have just one shot my way through the game it would have got quite boring, the little bit of challenge made the chapters more tense and a rush to a checkpoint feel a lot more thrilling knowing I had half a dozen axe wielding shadow men chasing after me that could kill me in seconds if I got trapped. Mercifully it wasn’t a scary game, I absolutely hate jump scares, there were just a few instances where you might enter a building and be ambushed by someone hiding behind some crates but it’s usually quite obvious and they tend to get a slow mo intro to let your heart calm down.
There were plenty of cool set-piece moments that usually involve you running away from something or fighting off some possessed machinery. The cut-scenes take a more cinematic style and were a nice transition from the gameplay. The surrounding mountains and forests were beautiful to look at. The story itself was interesting and mysterious, although some parts like where you have to drive to one place during day time only to find you now need to head somewhere at night made my eyes roll. One of the characters initially really irritated me yet by the end of the game (the Christmas lights helped) I had started to like him. The replayability I think is limited, there are quite a lot of collectibles hidden away in each chapter, some quite useful to the story like the manuscripts, others like the coffee thermoses absolutely pointless, I don’t have any intention to find them all. But as a one playthrough game, without worrying about 100% completing it, I highly recommend it. I’m looking forward to playing Quantum Break in the future. Oh and it was a nice surprise having David Bowie’s Space Oddity in the end credits too!
L.A. Noire - This was kindly recommended to me by Lenor and was the game I chose for the monthly theme. Unlike Alan Wake I actually wanted to 100% it too as although it shared similarities with pointless collectibles, finding all those golden film reels wasn’t fun, I felt much more motivated to spend more time playing it. Each case never felt too monotonous even though they usually played out the same way. Trying to piece together the evidence and tell who was lying made sure I couldn’t just rush through it and not pay attention. If I were to have one complaint with the cases it would be that I never knew how the detective, Cole Phelps, was going to act during the questioning, it took away from the seriousness of the game I think when he starts shouting and threatening to try to make the suspect uneasy by being as direct as possible, I just wish there were different approaches you could take to get the truth out, scaring people with the prospect of a gas chamber is not going to make your character very likeable.
It was surprising to me how many shootouts there were, I really thought this was solely going to be a detective game, maybe with some chasing and shooting at the end of a case but not having to deal with bank robberies or hostage situations. It also felt like an Assassin’s Creed game at times with platforming of sorts during action sequences where wooden structures were collapsing, and I was jumping across rooftops in other sections. I guess they were trying to widen the appeal of the game. But I did really enjoy the other side of it, the detective stuff was great. The partners that accompany you and change as the game progresses were all good characters, Bekowsky being my favourite of course! The little reunion towards the end of the game with everyone was sweet. All the interiors of the buildings you can go in were fantastic, the amount of detail was phenomenal, I don’t think I’ve played a game that offered this level of quality, and there were lots of homes I had to visit, there was no copy pasting noticeable at all. Unfortunately I am going to have to mention that the ending of the story was equally one of the worst I’ve encountered.
I was warned beforehand of the tedious achievements required to 100% it, the car one especially which I started early and thankfully didn’t have many remaining by the end of the game, however it was the destruction achievement that really annoyed me the most. I think in an early case when I was careless with my driving I was penalised maybe around $1000, and that was with a fair amount of damage, well this one calls for $47,000, there is no way that anyone could possibly be that careless during a single case. I had to find the most expensive car in the game, completely destroy it, wait for respawns, and repeat for seven times. Achievements like that really bug me! And this is in a game that tells you not to run over pedestrians if you start driving on the pavement and reduces your case rating if you have too many penalties. However I am glad to have fully completed it, I’m more than happy to go the extra mile if they’re not too difficult and I had fun during the main story.
The Long Dark - So this has been in early access since September 2014 and will be fully released on August 1st. I won this on Steamgifts and wasn’t sure about whether to play it or not before its story mode came out but the highly rated sandbox that the game currently offers and how close the game was to completion I decided I couldn’t wait any longer. It was so much fun! I’ve never been fond of all the multiplayer survival games that keep getting released but how this was focused on the single player experience meant I was hopeful, and correct, that it was going to be less about aimlessly running around trying to avoid being killed and more about exploration and actual survival.
As I was using the sandbox to get to grips with the game I played it on the lowest difficulty setting so I didn’t have to worry about being hunted by wolves. Just trying to keep warm proved enough of a challenge early on. After a few failed early attempts I began to learn not venture out too far at a time, and I gradually began to map the area and find shelter from the elements long enough to move on to the next place for the hope of warmer clothing and more food. I guess it shares some similarity with This War of Mine, which I really enjoyed too, with that day by day survival and making sure you know what you’re lacking and what to look to scavenge on your expeditions. Perhaps story mode will add something like this but I wish that the abandoned buildings you find or long frozen corpses had some sort of note of their past or way of telling mini-stories about the place you’re inhabiting. I think Bethesda pull this off very well with the letters and diaries you can read usually giving some sort of background. The skill system was a nice surprise and actually fitting, you start of being wasteful with your resources, less successful being able to light a fire, and by experience or finding special skill books, you become more efficient. The storms that the game throws at you makes each time you leave your shelter unpredictable and keeps you from growing overconfident and careless. Any plans you may have go right out the window as you can barely see a metre in front of you if you get caught in one, which makes navigation impossible and getting lost very easy.
I can really see the appeal of taking the hardest difficulty and really having to think about the optimum way to find food and where to travel to next. Eventually after reaching day 50 I decided I’d stop, the only ending is death… I was living comfortably with a huge stockpile of canned food in a little abandoned fishing village and was not finding any better equipment or clothing to what I was currently wearing, I’d also explored the two beginner maps fully. I’m looking forward to revisiting it for the story mode however and I will say sandbox is very much worth your time too.
Night in the Woods and OneShot - These two games are perfect without knowing too much about them. So… I won’t write three paragraphs each about these! They are both filled with genuine laugh out loud moments while also having plenty of emotional sections too, Night in the Woods covers a lot of issues. If I were to pick one thing I liked most about them, Night in the Woods has an amazing soundtrack and OneShot (make sure you play the Solstice update too) has a lot of fourth wall breaking that I guarantee will impress you! I can’t recommend them both enough, the story and characters make sure you won’t be able to forget about them, and you won’t want to. It was heartbreaking when OneShot ended and knowing there is nothing else left. I do have another playthrough needed to spent time with another character in Night in the Woods so I’m happy to have an excuse to go back to do that.
August plans: Challenge Me 2, Furi and maybe something else
Whoo another Challenge Me event! It’s great to hear this is going to be a monthly thing that runs alongside the monthly theme. This time I was challenged by kiseli who picked the games below. If you haven’t signed up to this before then I highly recommend it to get some backlog assassinating done based on others’ own experiences. So I’m going to be giving these a play as well as trying my best to progress as far as I can with Furi, I think that game is going to take a while to beat and small sessions are ideal to avoid too much frustration, it has been a real thrill so far though, even if I have only managed to defeat the jailer!

i also did pick LA Noire as my monthyl one! and finished it a couple of hours ago… going at the 100% now… its hard to believe that i never came across any film reels during my playtime…
the one other complaint i have about the game is that in order to collect all clues most of the times you need to go to every location and sometimes going to one first over another you get the ending of the case before goint to every scene, i couldnt have predicted it most times and that forced my to go over a walktrought to see the order of the locations (and nothing more, but a few ocasions when i couldnt find the clues themselve and a bit of the interogations just to be sure i was right and i was most times :p) and that really really really made me lose immersion, other than that i loved the game… and the reunion was great…
also i am not really satisfied with the ending i think…end game spoilers ahead cole dying didnt bother me… more so it really hit me, i grew to knew and love cole,i even got a bit teary, but roy and other people from the plot to burn the houses and that being free after all the work really leave me a sour taste

Nice good luck! Yeah the film reels are placed in places you may have been during some of the cases but I didn’t encounter them at all either, if I were to give you some advice there is one that you need to take an underground train-line to reach, I just looked it up again and it’s the “Mildred Pierce” one, just so you don’t waste 15 minutes walking around on the surface wondering where on earth it is like I did!
Yeah I was guilty of doing that too, I had to replay a few cases after finishing in order to get the best scores, I guess it is good that they didn’t make it a linear path and provided some options but there is simply no way of knowing like you say. Eugh the ending! It makes me mad just thinking about it. Yeah I felt sad for sure but it was the manner of the death, a rush of water, really? I have read some other people’s take on the ending and there seems to be some agreement it fits with the “Noire” style to leave loose ends, not always having a happy ending, so that bothered me less. But water… maybe he could have rushed into a burning building to save his wife and children that he let down and later died from the smoke exposure, that’s just one idea I have off the top of my head, anything is better than drowning in a pipe!

i think cole would have prefered it that way… not the most heroic death but he was tired of being called a hero when he wasnt… also for god sake the background story(the flashbacks) of cole was so great and with such a perfect pacing

He was still being heroic when he insisted Kelso went up first but I get your point. The war flashbacks were good and I agree the story was well put together, I just can’t appreciate the ending, I mean I just watched a replay of it on youtube it is hilariously abrupt!

Ooh I’ve been intrigued by both Night in the Woods and OneShot but have steered clear of hearing much about them. They look fantastic, glad you enjoyed them!
Best of luck with your backlog challenge. :)

That’s very wise of you! I tried to give away as little as possible and I had to be very careful with the screenshots I uploaded too! It was painful not being to share some of them as I knew it would spoil it. They really are both great games, I hope you try them out soon :) Thank you!

I’m actually REALLY excited for the time when I can get my hands on “The Long Dark” and spend a good chunk of time exploring the game. I already have so many that I need to get through though that I’ve had to postpone getting it until I’ve actually cleared some more games :D
Democracy is a great game, lots of choices to make that can have such a profound impact on your voters and their opinion of you. I still haven’t gotten around to finishing it, but each game has always been different :D
Thanks for the update :)

Haha that sounds like a sensible plan, I guess almost everyone on here is guilty of adding to the backlog without clearing enough games first so good for you! :)
The Long Dark was surprisingly good, I have to admit I wasn’t expecting too much, the reviews were very encouraging but I really don’t have much experience playing that kind of genre and I really enjoyed it. The exploration is fantastic, the maps are filled with places to discover, I haven’t played Firewatch yet but I just loved those ranger towers overlooking the area. And there’s these small connecting maps between the larger main maps you need to travel through and the ravine I went through had this railway bridge I had to cross really high up… with some of the bridge missing in places, there just seemed like a lot of detail like that and I’m really looking forward to Story Mode to see how the expands the game, hopefully giving some actual stories to the places you visit!
Democracy 3 does sound enjoyable, I think I’ll give that a play first :)

I like reading posts and watching reviews about The Long Dark, have it wishlisted for a while now. It is nice to hear about it from someone who is not that experienced in it, since most of the reviews i seen so far are from veterans in the game :)
The idea of Single Player survival game is great, fight with a nature at it worst is cool idea. So i am looking forward in getting it one day :D But i guess i would even like to play it in co-op with a friend or two :)
Btw you are missing “i” at the end of my nick :P but that doesn’t matter much, i hope you do really enjoy games i picked for you :)

Oh my goodness sorry! I’ve changed it, deary me I’ve had to do a lot of apologising to you! I had to do the weird formatting thing you need to do for links so I must have accidentally took off the last letter when I was trying to figure out how to use the brackets.
It was the lack of zombies or other monsters that made this appealing, the other real threat other than nature itself is predators like wolves or bears, but they are only a problem if you leave a scent from raw meat you’ve harvested or fresh fish you’ve caught, if you just give them plenty of space whilst exploring they shouldn’t be an issue which is nice. I think the harder difficulties actually make them more aggressive and have them hunt you but that wasn’t something I was keen on experiencing! I recommend it for sure, I hope you give it a play in the future :)

Like i said, it didn’t matter :D Mistakes can happen :)
That is what i liked about that game too, just you and nature(with wolfs, bears, snow etc :D) And i think on harder difficulty weather can change faster and there is less equipment, while animals start to hunt you :) Will keep an eye on the game, to see how does Story Mode work, something i would definitely be interested in.

The long dark is finally out \o/ I’ve been restraining myself to play it for months as I wanted to wait for it to be out of EA and now the big update is downloading :D
Anyway, congrats on the completions, it seems like really nice games you played. I almost got Oneshot during the sales but passed at the last minute but i’ll probably get it next time I see it on discount. Nice list for the challenge, good luck and happy gaming for August :D

Woo! I am looking forward to playing story mode as well but I’m happy that I didn’t wait in the end as sandbox turned out to be a great experience, I hope you have fun and try out sandbox sometime too :)
Thank you! It was an especially fun month of gaming. I’m really happy that your monthly theme is being adapted to be a regular thing, it’s a great idea :)

I did play a bit of the sandbox mode but very very early on in the EA phase, so i bet now it’s a lot different, I’ll definitely have more shots at it :)
I was happy too to see it return, I keep signing up for those anyway :3
I’m glad you somewhat enjoyed LA Noire :) Mistakes can happen! Just let him scream ;)
Layers of Fear and Monkey Island are great games by the way, I hope you’ll like them :)
Oh my that’s hilarious! That face at the end too, whoops. Yeah it was quite comical at times when he just unleashed a load of accusations like that lol, I’m not sure about hearing his actual screaming again though, the amount of cars I got hit by when I was chasing after a rare truck and the cries of pain that followed will stick with me forever! Thanks, I hope it didn’t come off as a mixed review, I really did enjoy it :)
I overall love the way characters behave when you drive and you hit something in any game :D
Cole is awesome but yea it was a bit tough during investigations, the person says something about “you can’t prove [some lie]” and then you press lie and Cole says something else entirely and now you have to find an evidence for what Cole said. There aren’t many moments like this but it threw me off because the evidence I picked to catch the initial lie ended up being false as I had to find the evidence to back up that something else Cole said which is not even exactly relevant to the very initial question he asked and the answer he received.
Haha it was especially funny destroying Roy’s car whilst he was it in… it’d have been hilarious if your partner just pushed you out onto the road if you damaged their vehicle too much.
Yeah I know what you mean, I don’t think I’d have been able to get perfect questioning scores without a guide on my replays. Some were just too ambiguous as to whether you’d need to doubt or lie as well, I ended up just using the intuition points as soon as I hit level 20 whenever I was unsure and save having to replay the latter ones. And I agree Cole was kinda likeable, the Shakespeare quote was especially amusing, but the whole affair and stalking of the singer felt really awkward and didn’t exactly make him a very sympathetic character either, even if you barely even see his wife and family!