
April 2017 Monthly Challenge : Progress

I needed to kick start some game completions so I thought I’d accept the monthly challenge and my thanks to EvilBlackSheep for Setting My Challenge

  • SteamWorld Heist
    SteamWorld Heist

    10 hours playtime

    4 of 47 achievements

  • Memoria

    50 minutes playtime

    0 of 31 achievements

  • Sniper Elite 3
    Sniper Elite 3

    19 minutes playtime

    0 of 77 achievements

  • Hexcells Plus
    Hexcells Plus

    19 hours playtime

    5 of 6 achievements

  • Sheltered

    7 minutes playtime

    0 of 18 achievements

So after a week of the April challenge things are looking OK :)

SteamWorld Heist: Loving it the more I'm playing it. Quality game which I quite liked to start with but the more I play the more it sucks me in. Love the humour, graphics and audio. It's a game where the different classes & weapons really make a difference and where if I fail a level I can usually figure out why and replay the level successfully. If my local was Lola's bar I'd be a happy man :) This is the type of game if I'd have played it without the monthly challenge incentive I'd have probably moved onto something else as despite being a good game to start with it was a little slow to take off. But I am so glad I stuck with it as the longer I play the more I like it. The various weapon upgrades are nicely paced so completion of levels with sound tactics is usually possible either first or second go. I've upped the level of difficulty to Veteran (from casual, regular & experienced) recently and am enjoying it even more :)

Memoria: OK, I'll be honest. Point & click games I like are few and far between. In fact Jolly Rover, which I played & finished last year was the first P&C game I could really rave about. So far Memoria has not grabbed. But I'll persevere.

Hexcells Plus: A revelation. I liked & finished Hexcells earlier this year and thought it was a decent game. However, Hexcells Plus takes this type of game up an entire level. Ignore my play time, it's less than what Steam reports but only because I thought this would be like Hexcells where I could play and clear a level if I had 10-15 minutes free. Whilst there are the odd levels like this most are not.. I found most levels a serious challenge and two of them I had to look up hints in the forums to complete. Fortunately the Steam forums for Hexcells Plus are excellent and I quickly located posts which via a screenshot showed people were stuck at exactly the same point as me and the replies were extremely helpful, providing the bare minimum of a hint to continue. So quite often I started playing a level but then ended up leaving the game running, as I couldn't complete it, and came back to it hours later .. Suffice to say this is a game I've been completely sucked into and am loving it.

Won On Steam Gifts

And a reminder about what my current status with SG wins is.

Progress Bar

15% won't play
11% never played
71% unfinished
3% beaten

And yes; it is a new avatar. A real picture of me given the “photoshop” treatment :-)


Memoria: Did you play the first game in the series (Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav)?


I didn’t know Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav was the first game in the series but yes played it and if I remember rightly I quite enjoyed it but then got stuck. I must admit not sure what happened then; I assume I moved onto other games and forgot about it :(


I’m so happy to read that you like Steamworld Heist!!! (Oh and if you like the music of the band that plays at Lola’s and then the other places, check them out. They’re called Steam Powered Giraffe and they got real albums out. The OST of the game is on spotify for example if you look for the band’s name).

I’m also kind of glad you also are hooked on Hexcells :3 If you get really stuck, I think there was an amazingly done guide level per level on steam that doesn’t just give you the solution but moves you step by step through it. So if you just need a hint, it doesn’t ruin your whole game ;)

Sorry for Memoria though. I’ll start it myself as part of the challenge too today. Once it’s done downloading. WTF 7.5Gb for a P&C?


Thanks for the heads up on Steam Powered Giraffe, currently playing the “Music From SteamWorld Heist on Spotify :)


That album is so good. I was so happy to find it there :)


Memoria is a direct continuation of Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav. You may want to look up the ending or a recap to help fill in the void. I’m not a big point and click person either, but I’ll have to try out Jolly Rover now :)

Nice progress and new avatar!


I may give Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav another go but play it through with my wife who’s a bit of a whizz at P&C games.