
April Sum-Up

Honestly, I was planning not to make a post this month, but decided to anyway since I hate playing Blacksad. Yes, I’m looking for an excuse not to play it and making this post is the best reasoning I can come up with.

That being said, I decided to learn to ride a bicycle. Still not getting any success after 3 short sessions, but I think I almost got it the last time. I managed to get both of my feet on the pedal without any help, although I shortly lose balance afterward. I’m gonna give it another try tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Half-Life 2

The Secret Order 6: Bloodline

3.0 hours
28 of 28 achievements

Full Review

Umm it was surprisingly okay. Maybe it's because I haven't played these games lately? Who knows. I remember hating the 8th one though (my review).

Half-Life 2

The Vision Of The Ant

26.2 hours
15 of 15 achievements

Full Review

It was okay, but it was too grindy and repetitive for my taste. Maybe I'm more comfortable with Pokémon's style of monster capture games instead of a randomized one like this.

Half-Life 2

The Legend of Tango

0.4 hours
no achievements

Full Review

Not worth it. It's 50% advertisement 50% real life experience turned into fantasy type of story.

Half-Life 2

Amihailu in Dreamland

2.0 hours
no achievements

Full Review

I didn't believe it was made in RPG Maker. The artworks are great. The puzzles might be confusing sometimes, but I still enjoyed it for the given price (which is free).

Half-Life 2


9.1 hours
18 of 18 achievements

Full Review

It was okay. It's not the best action-adventure game - combat is stiff, bosses are too easy, but at least it does its job well.

Half-Life 2

Take the Dream IX

2.1 hours
no achievements

Full Review

I didn't like the puzzles. I didn't get it most of the time.

Half-Life 2

Aperture Desk Job

0.5 hours
no achievements

Full Review

From this game I realized that you will mostly play Steam Deck offline, and that causes my playtime to not sync. So I can't even post my review unless I idle my playtime, which I'm too lazy to do. The "game" is mostly just a tech demo. It's just a boring thing where you have to press what you are being asked to do, with some unskippable, slow cutscenes in between. I didn't get the story (and the joke) somehow so I didn't really enjoy it.

I know, I mostly played short games last month. I don’t think I could play as much as I could this month either, but at least I’m aiming to finish the PoP challenge at least. I’m on my second medium game (Blacksad), and I’m sure will try to finish the short ones as well.

See you later.


Oh how nice to know I’m not the only person who doesn’t know how to ride a bike. I had one as a kid, told they will remove the training wheels never happened.
Got one as a teen but it was basically up to my chest in size and I wasn’t using a stepladder to ride a bike for 0 reason

Anyway good luck with the biking and next months gaming


i don’t have a good memory when i rode a bike as a kid tbh. there was one occasion when i was chased by a dog when i was still on training wheels, and i think i sorta fell when i learned to ride it for the first time (can’t remember the exact details but i think my feet bleed so bad). the accident was traumatic enough for me to not touch a bike until i’m an adult.

i think they have bikes for different sizes. you might be unfortunate enough to use the one bigger than your build. if you are thinking to learn to ride again, that might help.

also, thank you! i’ll do my best with both :)


Yeah I’ve never found the need to bike, I got given that bike I couldn’t use but just like the training wheels its not like anyone was gonna help me.
It actually did get me thinking and I’m not even sure if my main school had a bike shed or anything, they didn’t have one at the front and the school hated it when you came through the earlier entrance for visitors. The other one I went to was uphill so definitely not there and the other home schooling place wasn’t gonna give me a choice so I had taxi the whole time

But yeah I know biking is a handy thing to know but I’m always with other people so when would I ever use it you know


actually that happened to me too. i mean, i actually still can get by without learning how to bike, but i think that biking might help me to save cost since i have to pay for a parking fee if i have to commute by car. plus it can help me get healthier, hahah. luckily i got someone to help me, although i still can’t make sense what they are talking about when they say that i have to learn to balance. i tried watching some youtube videos and they are all talking the same thing - that i need to try myself to get the gist of it. at this point i’m just thinking to practice more until i got the hang of it.

also, i’m not sure about bike sheds, but before bicycle was a thing in my place, we usually just ask the security where we can park the bike and lock the bike there (which is usually in a secluded place with a pole so it won’t get in the way or something). there is someone in my home that used to bike from time to time, and their destination (which is usually the market) don’t have bike shed and iirc that was what they usually did.


I’m the type of person who trips by standing still so I might need to learn balance


Hahah yeah, you probably need to do it if you want to ride a bike. Not sure how well you should be able to balance yourself to do it though.