Plan to play something of this later.
Monthly March-November 2024 Report on progress
Doom 2016 was beaten - SnapMap and 2 MP achievements left.
The Town of Light was completed for "Play in March" event.
I didn't play many games outside of these. Also playing GTA V and GTA Online with my best friend currently on EGS. Started new Silent Hill, but never returned.
Mostly testing and modding.
1083.9 Hours playtime
1083.9 hours to previous 723 hours on alt account with modding. MP/Snapmap achievements left.
Unknown Hours playtime
Spent days playing Story Mode and even more playing Online with best friend.
Plan to play something of this later.
4.1 Hours playtime
Got few achievements and don't really want to return, but still want to get achievements.
7 Minutes playtime
I finished it few times before Steam and liked it a lot, but still want to replay it on Steam.