
Main Quest #185 - 12 August 2024

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

about 7 hours playtime
13 of 50 achievements (26%)

Such a pleasure to come back to Wolfenstein. Really enjoyed the setting and gameplay of The Old Blood, like I did with the first one. It’s a short game that doesn’t extend its stay and that’s perfectly okay! I feel like the story in this type of games always comes back to the same, but it was still very much enjoyable! I wasn’t expecting the zombies but I got a very strong feeling of nostalgia because it reminded me of the times I spent playing Black Ops Zombies with my friends in school and university.
All that put together made a very enjoyable game to play through, although I missed a bit the human connections and base that we had and that I liked in the first one.