Backlog Assassination : April 2019
I know it’s the end of April already, but I was already assassinating my backlog before joining, thanks to the groups Playing Appreciated and Play a Game you won on Steamgifts.
To be able to motivate myself and for an organizational purpose, I’ll post each month a topic with the game I intend to play, including those from those two groups and my personal backlog.
Game | Achievements | Hours of Playtime | Category | Status |
Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk | 11/11 | 5.1 | [PGWS] | Completed |
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan | 29/29 | 8.4 | [PGWS] | Completed |
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova | 10/10 | 5.8 | [PGWS] | Completed |
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek | 11/11 | 7.9 | [MINE] | Completed |
True Lover’s Knot | 4/4 (Bug) | 3.9 | [PGWS] | Completed |
KARAKARA | 10/10 | 5.4 | [PGWS] | Completed |
A Bird Story | 1/1 | 3.9 | [MINE] | Completed |
Lynne | 1/1 | 3.1 | [MINE] | Completed |
ABZÛ | 6/12 | 2.9 | [MINE] | Beaten |
Faerie Solitaire | 27/30 (Bug) | 13.5 | [PGWS] | Beaten |
Blokin | 4/6 | 7.0 | [PA] | Dropped |
Conjuntalia | 8/90 | 2.9 | [PA] | Dropped |
I try to write a review of every game I’m playing, if I did so, you can find my reviews by clicking on the link in the last column.

Did you mislink your reviews? For example
should be
if you want it to link directly to your review.

That’s weird, for me both lead to the same review :)

Are you logged in through the browser? That’s probably why.

Cece09 explained why, I just corrected with your modification thank you :) !

So you know true lovers knot and enigmatis lead to the store page instead of the achievements and faerie review goes to blokin, however well done on completing so many games this month already. Also as arbiter has said the way you’ve linked your reviews it just gets us to write our own version so we can’t see yours

Thank you for pointing at that, there were so many games that it became complicated to read through the table with the formatting, I should probably adopt the other form with the picture as you guys are doing, I found the script for that :) !

I’ve had troubles myself like that and doing tables can be complicated workings things out when you have so many things. Plus with me at least when I try to copy links steam doesn’t always do it. The other form can be great (happy? just going to leave this in since I have no idea why I wrote down happy instead of good/great) however since you are doing actual steam reviews for the games this way isn’t to bad for linking it
Reserved for Additions
A Bird Story