20/23 Challenge 
After last year’s successful 20/22 challenge, I was thinking about a similar but “reversed” one for this year. I want to tackle some of those great games that are sitting in my backlog, that I’ve been really wanting to play yet not giving them the attention they deserve. Hence for this year, the list will be made of games added before 2023 and still untouched.
Here is the very loose ruleset. Basically only rules 1 and 2 are important.
- I have to finish 20 of the 23 games on the list.
- The games must have been added to the backlog before 2023 and yet untouched
- They must be games I'm excited to play. As for last year, I'm doing mostly this to go back to the unfinished games that got distracted from for whatever reason, but that I loved in the first place. Of course I'm doing this in an attempt to make progress with the backlog, but I don't want it to be a "let's pick whatever would be the fastest to finish and call it a day". My intention is to fully enjoy this challenge, not make it a tedious task.
- I can replace games as I see fit, but I am of course still limited to games that fit to rule number 2. The current list might actually be subject to quite a few changes as it was hard to narrow it down to 23, so it'll depend on what I feel like playing as the year goes on. Stolen from Skatrzoo, I'm giving myself 3 possible swaps of games that will be added in 2023, just in case. Might or might not need it.
- And finally, I only have this year to finish it - if I don’t, I will be feeding somebody else backlog with one of my favourite game of 2023.
And that’s about it. Of course, I’ll be playing other games during the year but that will be my main side quest for the year, and I’ll do my best to stick to it. I hope I manage to finish this one too.

The List
Game Title | Time played | Achievements | Status | |
AI: The Somnium Files | 13h | 29/45 | Beaten | |
Backpack Hero | 36h | 24/35 | Beaten | |
Call of the Sea | 7h | 34/34 | Completed | |
Cleo - a pirate's tale | 4h | 4/24 | Beaten | |
Cult of the Lamb | 18h | 27/37 | Beaten | |
Dying Light 2 | 68h | 34/67 | Beaten | |
Eastward | 30h | 19/30 | Beaten | |
Hollow Knight | 44h | 45/63 | Beaten | |
Last Resort Island | 20h | 36/36 | Completed | |
Little Nightmares II | 11h | 35/35 | Completed | |
Outer wilds | 22h | 7/31 | Beaten | |
Return of the Obra Dinn | 8h | 14/16 | Beaten | |
Roots of Pacha | 53h | 35/53 | Beaten | |
Sail Forth | 25h | 36/47 | Beaten | |
Sniper Elite III | 28h | 24/77 | Beaten | |
Sniper Elite 4 | 38h | 27/85 | Beaten | |
Sonic Mania | 8h | 5/18 | Beaten | |
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark | 8h | 30/30 | Completed | |
The Last Campfire | 6h | 22/22 | Completed | |
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game | 11h | 37/50 | Beaten | |
The Unfinished Swan | 3h | 5/10 | Beaten |

And finally, I only have this year to finish it - if I don’t, I will be feeding somebody else backlog with one of my favourite game of 2023.
Stop threatening poor blaeo users (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Your list this year feels kinda overwhelming, try not to burn yourself out like I did last year. I’ll be posting mine later today with slightly adjusted rules (and no penalties this time :grumpy)

I’m only threatening the first 2 commenters of this post, everybody else is safe :eyes:
And yeah I do have that in mind, but the list will change a bit for sure, it was just to keep the bigger ones in for now to have a quick look when i wanna pick a new one. I’ll arrange that as I go.

Just saying, Hollow Knight and Dishonored 2 better be among those 20 beaten games OR ELSE…

:sweat: R-r-right…

Good luck with that. Not going to join this year. Already failed last year with only 8 games played from the list.

Thanks! Good luck with your bingo!
My ears were ringing for some reason :swea
Good, because you’re one of the 2 intended targets if failure was to happen. :eyes: