
Backlog Assassination : July 2019

Been a tough month, I said last month that my health got the best of me, but boy, this month managed to be worse on that side. But let’s stay positive will you ? I have a new treatment, things should get better now. Hopefully.
Still managed to add 150 games to my collection, as if my backlog wasn’t already super big, so July progression looks like June, which is somewhat funny.
I also hoped to manage to play FFXIV a little more, unfortunately it didn’t happen, me and my game partner were either both sick, one or the other sick, or recovering from being sick. WE CAN DO IT, WE CAN FINISH STORMBLOOD AND BEGIN SHADOWBRINGER.


10% completed
1% beaten
6% unfinished
82% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination :

Bonus Assassination :

ABC Challenge Progression :

8% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
77% never played

Less than last month, but as usual, it’s ok, it doesn’t matter so long you progress, finishing 1 game is already 1 game less in your backlog, so again, be proud of yourself.


Did you buy 150 games in July? =O


Won, got gifted, realized that I had but forgot to add to my library mostly.


Oh okay. That makes more sense. =D


Yes lol, I was surprised by the number as well, now I believe it may also count the DLC, knowing I got given games sur as Tyranny Gold Edition, that’s a lot of DLC too ^^

Max Mnemonic

I commend you for waiting the required 5 years for that Stanley Parable achievement!


I did. I’m crazy.

Lucky Thirteen

Currently working on that achiev as well. Just one more year to go (or rather, to wait) for me, lol :D

Lucky Thirteen

Hey Ylthin, I have a bit of an issue with the way you link your Steam reviews:

  1. when I click the link, it just leads to a list of all the reviews you have written rather than to a review for a specific game.
  2. this is just a personal preference of mine, but I think it’d be convenient if the link opened in a new tab/window when clicked ;)

That said, I hope that the new treatment will help and you’ll feel better soon! I also kind of envy you all those new games you obtained (but then again, my backlog is big enough already… but still, new games! :D ).

  1. That means that I didn’t write the review yet, I’m super late at that, it suxx, can you tell me which game you want me to do the review of ?
  2. I’ll try to change that next month, a trick until then, use the middle button (the rolling one) until then, it automatically open any link on a new tab :) !

Yes, I’m just a little afraid of it but it’s supposed to be able to make sleep an elephant. Or two :) !

Lucky Thirteen

Ah, I’m not intersted in a particular review, was just checking and all the links I cliked lead to the list of all your reviews, so I assumed it was a mistake. My bad ;)
And yeah, right clicking the link and selecting “open in new tab” works as well, I’m just spoiled haha :D


I added and addendum at end about the reviews, hope it will help if someone has a specific review in mind I didn’t do (I did a few, not all)
I prefer middle button click, because it also close tabs, and I’m just lazy :D


You 100% Forbidden Clicker Party?! :o Could you tell me how you did it? I just can’t figure it out. Do you just need to grind at low levels for a long time to level up your heroes and then progress slowly? I find myself getting real frustrated with its mechanism, even though all other people I’ve seen play the game seem to 100% it no problem. :<


It’s not a cool process tbh, you need mostly to level as much as possible + get all the bonus until really get started and heal heal stomp stomp and keep the click for the boss (don’t forget to level it up as high as possible to have an effect on the boss).