Beginning my journey as BLAEO
I’ve finally decided to tackle my massive backlog and began by finding out which games I’ve actually beaten (the fact that I had to check the achievements in some cases to make sure that I actually did beat them was somewhat discomforting).
I still have to sort a lot of games, especially into the “won’t play” category, as many are remnants of a pre-Steamgifts era and thus do not interest me (or were bought for the cards, as was the case with the dollar bundle a few weeks ago).
However, I already finished my first game since registration regardless (Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons) and was even able to complete it in the sense of getting all the achievements.
*categorised these as “beaten” because I won at least one game and find it difficult to judge when games like these could be considered “beaten”

Thanks for the welcome and the constructive feedback, you make good points.

Welcome to BLAEO! I’m the same, I won games like Civ 5 and I have no idea what considers it as beaten! I personally look at something like HLTB and Astats to see the average play time and if its over it then I consider it as beaten!

Welcome to BLAEO! Honestly, Beaten and Completed are what you make of it yourself. There is no right or wrong to it. Maybe at one point I will go back to all of the Civ III & IV and beat a game and mark them as beaten as well! But right now I put them in “Won’t play” because I would definitely just prefer to play Civ V.

Welcome and good luck with fighting backlog :)
Sorting games can be tedious and it takes time, but after that everything get easier :D

How would you compare Civ3 and Civ4? It’s been a while since I played them. What was your general impression having finished both so close to one another?
Oh, and welcome aboard. Give ‘em backlogs hell!

Thanks for all the feedback!
Concerning Civ 3+4, I only marked them as beaten just now because I overlooked them when sorting my games the first time. It’s actually been quite a while since I last played them, so unfortunately I cannot answer the question how they compare. I can only say that I’m sad that Civilization was the last game in the series where you could expand your palace if I recall correctly, I really liked that feature.
Welcome to BLAEO, and thanks for the report! Yes, seems like winning a game in Civ can make it Beaten. Also, Beaten and Completed are mutually exclusive– that is, if you’ve Completed it (e.g., got all achievements, or did everything in the game even if there are no Steam achievements) then it’s inherently Beaten, so you can just mark it Completed, and save a little typing. =)