April 2022

15.92% (92/578)
32.70% (189/578)
8.65% (50/578)
25.95% (150/578)
16.78% (97/578)
Half-Life 2

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

2.2 hours
0 of 45 achievements
Half-Life 2

Yakuza 0

54.8 hours
22 of 55 achievements
Half-Life 2

My Friend Pedro

3.4 hours
20 of 30 achievements
Half-Life 2

Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

2.7 hours
10 of 10 achievements
Half-Life 2


12.0 hours
no achievements

Congratulations on your assassinations! What was your favorite game that you played this month?


Yakuza is pretty good. Half-Life holds up well despite it’s age.