166 Hrs, all 41 achivements.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition becomes my first 100% Completed game :,D

Nice one. DS1 is one of my favorite games of all times :D

Grats! Great choice for your first! ;)

Really good game to spent time for 100%! I think there aren’t too many games around that are entertaining enough to grind through achievements like Dark Souls Series. Haven’t had it on steam, but just got my copy few days ago through trading. Kind of funny since own 2nd and 3rd and have played first through probably 3 times now o.o
Congratulations! A great first completed game \o/ DS II is now waiting for you hahah (to be honest, it is way easier actually)
It took about 80hrs to me, only to finish the game, not sure about to 100%’d… I got proud to get all achievements :3
Anyway, congratulations :D I don’t know why, but I like when someone complete or finish this game hahah (maybe ‘cause is my favorite game)