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August 2020 update

Overall backlog progress :
27% completed
57% beaten
1% unfinished
1% never played
14% won't play

Side note

Did I tell XboX app is bad? I think I did. They did move out of the beta, rise subscription fee. And it still takes few seconds to even load the app, same to load game page. But at least games now start immediately, there is no need to click double on the play button. It still does not follow achievements and other game statistics properly. Even in MS own game - Halo.

What I learned is that Microsoft decided that Xbox app and Xbox game bar are necessary parts of the Windows10. Which means it’s not possible to just remove them if you no longer need those. Charming. I did remove them with use of console and long commands, but really? Previously those two could be at least removed through Windows store, but now option is either greyed out or straight missing. 10/10.

But my subscription run over, so I’m back to playing on Steam. I started Heat Signature. Overally XBox offer was a good one, but their launcher app is bad. Even Origin or Uplay works better in my experience. They can start game properly, and don’t take so long to load anything.

I used icons from this page, to show gaming platform in my post:


What I learned is that Microsoft decided that Xbox app and Xbox game bar are necessary parts of the Windows10.

Ugh, yeah! I think there are some neat features integrated in Win10, but all that “necessary” stuff you cannot remove (easily) is really a crappy move.

Have fun with your return to Steam :)


This comment was deleted over 4 years ago.


By “last boss is not well designed” do you mean the very last part when the whole family all attacks so it’s too easy? or the entire final section you didn’t like? Also pls tell me the bugged quest isn’t the final automaton bot, that’s the only one I’ve not beaten yet. :D

Enjoy your time back with steam!


1. Yes, the boss itself. It does feel a bit lame to upgrade your family, when in the end everyone attacks at the same time, and it took me 1 or so min to beat it. Previous bosses had some challenge, attack pattern etc. And this one just died instantly.

2. No, it’s quest where you need to find stones for the uncle. I get 1st one which triggered the quest, but could not find next ones, even when I replaying the level over and over again. This one. I did not get 2nd etc stone after grinding, so I decided it’s not worth wasting my time. I did get all automatons after I repeat tech city few times, so this one works as intended

I did go to stalk on you, and can see you don’t have corresponding achievement. Which means you did not find all the stones. If you think automatons are the last quest - it didn’t even trigger for you yet.


Yeah I can see that, I was on the fence about it. On one hand thought it fit the story nicely as a “the family conquered things together, their strength combined” kind of thing, but can definitely see from a gameplay aspect of it. Was kind of jarring compared to rest of game because it was over so quick, wondered if ‘that was it’.

Ahh yes the stones right, that was the other thing I have left almost forgot! Didn’t want to grind any more at the time without a break, since I’d gone through all the levels multiple times. That’s a bummer. :/ Will keep that in mind if I do go for completion, thanks for the heads up.