I am about 80% through Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones. I’m thoroughly enjoying all three of these games. This third one is heavier on the animation, simple click-through puzzles, and it is faster paced. Seems to have less actual hidden object puzzles than the other two. None of this has dulled my enjoyment. Harr!
I have picked up Skyrim again. I like this game. A few months ago I played through all of the Dragonborn expansion. i’m now on my way to Dawnguard. The key to this game for me is to play a large chunk for a about a month and then put it down for several months. That way I continue to enjoy it and feel a sense of accomplishment. Minimimize the feeling of oh god there’s still so much to do what am I going to do next bleh.
Batman Origins is still in progress. Slow and steady.
I’m fooling around with my On Deck list. I think for me one big rpg at a time is all I can do while still having fun. Batman is an action game. Pirates are HOGs. I always have a puzzle game going. Maybe I’ll throw in Grimrock.
I’m finishing up Nightmares 3 too. I don’t know, about mid-way through I thought it might be my favourite of the three but now, having done one playthrough and being about 30% down the second, I’m not so sure. The ending was… flat. Or something. It might have something to do with me playing the game for four nights, only a bit each time, but still. Also, I hate those “find and use” AND “construct a useful item” HOS which almost all were this time around.
I don’t know. Maybe I’ll figure out something to say when I get it completed. However, a solid series, have to agree!
Congrats on the progress!