
August - Week 2 & 3 Update

I wasn’t able to update last week’s progress due to some personal issues, so I’ve decided to merge it with this week’s, which to my embarrassment, isn’t even very impressive to begin with. Hindered by aforementioned personal issues and the headache of having to continously reschedule the appointment with my dental surgeon (who wasted hours of my time by making me to go to the hospital not once, but TWICE, only to wait 30 minutes there and then be told that the appointment had been rescheduled), there wasn’t much progress at all this week.

Below is my progress for the last two weeks.

Completed Games

  • CUPID - A free to play Visual Novel
    CUPID - A free to play Visual Novel

    5 hours playtime

    67 of 67 achievements

Love is both poison and cure, both knife and remedy.

Why watch Game of Thrones when you have CUPID? Main characters drop like flies in this novel; and I absolutely loved it. Mostly because I wasn’t expecting any deaths in this novel at all. The novel is very deceiving; it looks fairly bright from the outside, but once you delve deeper into it and follow the story, it gets darker and darker up to the point where you don’t even know what you’re reading anymore.

(This game contains disturbing imagery, violence, flashing images, sudden and loud noises, mature themes, and strong sexual content.)

  • Elisa: The Innkeeper - Prequel
    Elisa: The Innkeeper - Prequel

    17 minutes playtime

    7 of 7 achievements

At least it has pretty backgrounds.

Not sure what else can I say about this game. The story couldn’t have been anymore bland and predictable, and the characters aren’t much better. Some of the save slot functions don’t even work. I lost interest in the first three minutes and only completed it to get the achievements.

  • Mandagon

    46 minutes playtime

    5 of 5 achievements

A world inspired by Tibetan theology and philosophy

Mandagon is a stunning short game that is, surprisingly, free to play - and we all know finding decent, bearable free to play games on Steam is almost impossible these days. I would honestly pay for this game - hell, I would pay for that background music alone. Take my money, devs. TAKE IT.

If you have an hour or two to kill, do consider trying out this game. It’s worth it.

Started Games

  • Dungeon Defenders II
    Dungeon Defenders II

    12 hours playtime

    2 of 15 achievements

The first game that I started this week is Dungeon Defenders II, a free to play cooperative Action Tower Defense game. I downloaded it to play with my friends, and frankly, it’s a lot of fun. I’d been on a hunt for good free to play coop games like these and I’m very glad to have found it.

  • Fist of Jesus
    Fist of Jesus

    5 hours playtime

    16 of 30 achievements

Fist of Jesus is a great game I got recently. Nice graphics, entertaining gameplay, although it does get repetitive after a while and some of the achievements are unfortunately very grindy.. which means it’ll be quite a while until I finish this game completely.

  • Royal Quest
    Royal Quest

    11 hours playtime

    20 of 253 achievements

Royal Quest is the second online game I started this week to play with friends. My friend and I couldn’t really decide on which one to play, I wanted Dungeon Defenders II and he wanted to play this game, so we compromised and decided to play both.. and we ended up liking both. So we’ll most likely be switching between these from time to time. Will I ever finish this game? Most likely not. I don’t have the time or patience to finish these kind of games anymore. But it’s a fun game for the time being, and I’m looking forward to progress as much as I could in the game.

  • Surgeon Simulator
Surgeon Simulator

    61 minutes playtime

    4 of 123 achievements

Ahh, Surgeon Simulator. I don’t think I have to say anything about this game because frankly I think everyone already knows it by this point. It was pretty fun until I had to spend 30 minutes trying to open a fridge. I’m hoping to finish it eventually, but it might be a while.


That is all for now. The past two weeks have been rather disappointing in terms of achievement progress, but I plan to redeem myself in this last week of the month. There’s a good chance I’ll be starting some new games, with Tales of Maj’Eyal on top of the priority list. That’s right, the game with the most achievements on Steam. Will I ever finish it? Probably not. But I’m always up for a challange, and I’d like to see myself try. There’s a good chance that I’ll fail, but you never know.

(Also if someone could teach me how to put the embedded game boxes next to each other, that’d be great :])


Just add all the li-Tags inside one single ul-Tag

ul = unordered list
li = list item


Ah okay, will try this, thank you! :D


Your warning about Cupid is an understatement. There are some truly gnarly and grotesque imagery in the game. :)

Good luck with Tales of Maj’Eyal, you’ve set yourself a big challenge with that game. :)