
Backlog Assassination : August 2019

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen ! I’m not dead, I didn’t abandon the website, I didn’t fly on a carpet away from Internet with my lover singing a cheesy song, but I DID have my Steam account hacked which shouldn’t even have happened since I have Steam guard AND never went to a shady website where I entered my credential. My attempts to communicate with Steam resulted on a one sided conversation with what sounded like a bot which wasn’t reading what I was writing. A lot of time and energy wasted for nothing if you ask me.


I’m back now, I don’t have to fight with Steam anymore and the only strain on my account is that one game “not categorize yet” which was tested by the hackers, aka CS:GO, but more on that Monday, or maybe Tuesday depending on my appointments, my need for a bed and the time it will take me for me to edit a video or make a tutorial.


10% completed
1% beaten
5% unfinished
83% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination :

Bonus Assassination :

ABC Challenge Progression :

8% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
77% never played

Well, I had less time than last month, so overall it’s not too bad. I really need to progress on the ABC challenge, even more as it’s a game I’m looking forward since a while ! Looking back at the planned assassination I knew it was a lot, but that was in purpose so I wouldn’t feel stuck or forced to play a game I wasn’t in the mood to play, so I’m not upset to have played “so few” of them.

I hope you’re all proud of yourself and your progression, don’t forget that if it’s not for this month, it will be for the next, while BLAEO is here to help you stay motivated, you should never feel stressed or feel like you have to play a game.


Wow you completed Marble Duel O_O How did you do that? I am stuck about 3/4 through the game. I don’t think the game is bad if you can ignore all the points from your review XD


There is an achievements guide which explains how to get most of the achievements at low level. Could you feel the salt of my review ? :)


Yes i could. I played it to get accepted to Playing Apprciated and at one point I was so fed up with all that RNG crap. I mean I have to always hope for the best to get the correct marble, but my enemy will always get whatever they need.


The dev keep denying that and ignoring that offensive message at the end of the first page.
I love how they answered to me that they cannot force people to send them video to justify that there is a whole bunch of people not being able to go past lvl 23 as they cannot shoot marble. What video do they need ?


You know, people obviously just say that to annoy the dev (sarcasm in case you did not get it).
Unfortunately this is the way a lot of devs react. They either ignore you or tell you they cannot reproduce the problem so therefore it does not exist. But they rarely ask for logfiles or such things that could really help. And honestly if you have several people who report a bug like that you do not ask them for a video for proof, unless it is important for a solution.


They eventually found the bug and answered to one of the person who had the bug and probably moved on since long ? I mean.. Isn’t it stupid to tell to someone who asked months ago that “you need to have 3 stars to every fight before level 23 to not have the bug” instead of.. I don’t know.. CORRECT THE BUG ?


Seriously? That reminds me of The Sexy brutale devs. I encountered a strange bug where it would not let me save the game. I thought I must be stupid and have forgotten to save, but it turns out that for some strange reason the auto save simply does not save for some people. And you cannot save manually. Answer of the devs a few years ago when it was first discovered was: Are you sure? We cannot reproduce it. It works for most people Then a: We will look into it and then nothing more for several years now. They simply forgot or do not care.


I feel personally attacked by the end of your post! JK, but seriously, there are a bunch of games I was trying to get myself to play “because it’s summer, and they’re set in summer, are summer-themed, or just generally have ‘summer’ in the name, you know what I mean”, while I suppose all I want is to play some spooky/mysterious games (and it’s still a long way until October, I can’t just wait for it!)… but school… OH, SCHOOL. I WONDER WHAT PROGRESS I’LL BE MAKING WHEN YOU COME IN TO RUIN MY LIFE ONCE AGAIN.


So I guess beginning of September you’re now forced to play stuff with school, learning and janitor in the name :P ?


Well, it just feels more personally attacking to be playing school-oriented games in the summer, y’know… speaking of janitors though, what I wouldn’t give to play Kindergarten

Big Thinkers Kindergarten

Big Thinkers Kindergarten

0 hours
no achievements

Looks like a solid gameplay going on and amazing.. Graphics, with a fantastic choice of color palette. Yup


Please stop, I’m gonna choke on my own spit xD


So did you ever fund out how your account was hacked?


No, unfortunately Steam kept answering to me bullshit.

  • When I told them that I didn’t put my credential anywhere, they told me to get steam guard.
  • When I told them that I had steam guard, they told me to make sure my mail was safe.
  • When I told them I had steam guard and that my mail was safe, they told me to not put my credential anywhere.
  • When I told them that I didn’t put my credential anywhere AND that I had steam guard, they closed the conversation saying that apparently I had my account back.

So you got the standard answers and nothing else. Sometimes I wonder why they even put humans into these places, if they a) don’t know anything or
b) are only allowed to give you the standard answers.
This job could very well be done by a computer.

And I’m allowed to say this since I work in IT support (and no we do not give out standard answers without actually checking the problem first).

Unfortunately this happens a lot with support/help desks of big companies. I have enough experience in that myself.


Yes, one of my friend told me the same. I thought at some point that I was crazy, but I checked my whole history before the event happen (aka 10mn before, as far as I know steam guard code don’t even last one minute) and I didn’t go to any Steam related website.
I was told on Steamgifts that it’s not the first time it happens, so I really don’t know tbh.


Well that’s worrisome, if you didn’t enter your credential on any shady site and that nobody has access to your e-mail that means that somehow there a way to steal an account without someone even noticing! You would think Steam would take it more seriously and look into it… Anyway I’m glad you got your account back and that nothing was stolen.


I know it’s Tuesday and I have yet to do my topic, but I wanted to speak about this issue and to explain how to lock your account so anybody on the account is instantly kicked and thus saves your item.