Such a good game, and impressive in so many ways.
I was initially very dubious. The multiple technical difficulties I encountered due to owning an AMD card were very frustrating. Once those were conquered, it was on the the game, but the beginning didn’t inspire. A pretty boring intro sequence was made worse by the more egregious screen tearing I’ve ever encountered (I had to disable V-Sync to progress through the intro). For a first-person-shooter, it certainly took its time in giving me a gun. What does it think it is, Half Life?
But then I got a gun, and another, and things kept improving from there. The shooting felt great, the guns were fun, the levels varied and allowing different approaches - everything from being sneaky to running in with two guns blazing. What most impressed me was how competent the game was at things you wouldn’t typically expect in a first-person-shooter, let alone a Wolfenstein game.
For example, there was stealth, and it worked really well - sneak up on soldiers and you can take them down silently with a knife, or shoot them with a silenced pistol. With in-game rewards for stealth kills, it made not-shooting in a shooter fun, and I had a blast sneaking around levels and silently dispatching enemies one by one.
And then there’s the story - a bizarre alternate history with sci-fi elements that was surprisingly good. I never would have imagined a story about the silent meat-head of Wolfenstein being good, but the writers worked wonders, and the voice acting was great. I had several genuine laughs along the way, and grew to care for the characters.
I have been working through the Wolfenstein games (On Return to Castle Wolfensteim currently.) And really look forward to the newer games. Glad you enjoyed it. Excited for the second one? Good hunting! ^_^
I am! Also excited to play The Old Blood.
How are you enjoying Return to Castle Wolfenstein, btw? I keep reading great things about it, but I’m afraid that it may be too dated.
It is not terribly dated (compared to the much earlier games.), but I am enjoying it so far. It certainly is difficult, but the updated graphics from the 3D games, and multiple weapon choice is nice. It’s a shame that stealth wasn’t quite so advanced back then though… a good shooter none the less.