
July update

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Overall backlog progress:
26% completed
54% beaten
1% unfinished
2% never played
18% won't play

Side note:

It’s hard to find cheap FreeSync monitor nowadays xD:

  • 27’ + FHD - not only I’d sit way too close to have 27’ monitor, pixels on such low resolution must be terrible
  • 24’ + FHD - a lot are on shitty TN panels, those that are on IPS or VA often do not have VESA mount, or have only one digital port
  • 24’ + 1440p - fonts may be small, and it would take away GPU power. Using FHD on 1440p monitor makes it a bit blurry

Wonder when they will release RX 3600, so I will be able to compare it to NVidia offer and start to plan PC set up :D
I also have growing list of games to beat, but my laptop will not allow me to play in any of them :sob: That’s painfull.


Those “jump to the next update” buttons/links never work for me (Chrome).


Oh, forgot to update code in this one.

Also it works only on my profile, there are too many posts in the main activity queue.

This function basically looks for certain link on the page, and jumps to it. So it’s not possible to “jump” to something that is not loaded. I added it to be able to navigate more easily on my BLAEO profile.