Machines Are Human

Feb 18 - 2

  • Silence

    9 hours playtime

    23 of 46 achievements

  • Quantum Break

    21 hours playtime

    36 of 42 achievements

  • Jurassic Park: The Game

    7 hours playtime

    28 of 51 achievements

When I finished “The Whispered World” I felt that some puzzles are to hard and got stuck some time because I didn’t know what to do at all. In Silence it was more like the difference. The puzzles felt kinda easy and for me a bit to easy. BUT I liked the artwork, the sound and the story. Would have loved to see even a bit more.

Quantum Break
I loved the Idea of mixing real videos with the game and enjoyed the story a lot. They could have done even more cutscenes with the real artists. Till the end this was at least a 9/10 for me. Then the final boss came up and i was a bit upset. I played the whole game on hard and it was good but I could not beat the final boss on hard and had to switch to normal. It was just strange to see where savespots where and all that. Over all still an awesome game that lives from the story.

Jurassic Park
Could also be called Quick-Time-Event Park… Telltale put a bit to much qtes in this game and sometimes there where just wired. Also I had some soundproblems where the voices sometimes where supper quite and seconds later loud or just glitched. Still a good Telltale-Game and if you like the franchise you will enjoy it (as I did).

After finishing Teslagrad I just startet World to the west and till now I enjoy this game a lot. Will prob. take the whole week to finish it but maybe I’ll also find some time for a little point and click or something. Also I downloaded Mafia 3 and Dishonored 2 so I will one of these games start to play next weekend.


Finished Quantum Break this week, died so many times on the last boss and i was playing on normal :p There were safe spots?

Machines Are Human

I switched from Steam-Link to PC and from Gamepad to Mouse then it was done after 3 tries or something… But hard… you can’t see anything because everything is red… Still would buy a part 2 anytime for the full price (even bought this one last year for 30€ if i remember right). Love what Remedy is doing and it’s funny that Quantum Break and Alan Wake is in the same universe.


Quantum Break and Alan Wake are in the same universe? I didn’t know that. Do you in some way profit from playing Alan Wake before Quantum Break?


There are some Alan Wake easter eggs on Quantum Break, but you can play it without playing Alan Wake.


Thank you for the reply. Wanted to play Alan Wake anyway, so now I’ll do that first :)


I loved Alan Wake. On last boss i just ran away as far as i could from red starting point and used time shield. dunno if it’s the right way, but it worked :p


I’m playing World to the West now with my kids and we’re all enjoying it. Some of the design is clever how you get through the same areas with the different characters, taking advantage of their unique abilities.

Machines Are Human

Yeah already started and liked it but need to break it because today the fall pt2 got released and I will first finish this :D


Break it? Does that mean finish it, or put it aside?

Machines Are Human

put it aside :) will prob. finish it in the next week