
May be the worst month ever!

Seriously busy month at work and all. So not a lot of time for gaming and I only managed to complete one game.

My worst month since joining BLAEO 14 months ago. Yay for some record. \o/

The only completion

  • orbt xl
    orbt xl

    2 hours playtime

    31 of 31 achievements

I won this on SG and I was pretty sure I’d like to play the game. This is by the same dev as Bit Blaster XL which I enjoyed a lot as well.

orbt xl is fun, simplistic one-button arcade game. It advertises to be easy to pick-up and play while waiting for other things. That it is.
The game is so simple that it is hard to write something deep about it. But it’s not meant to be deep. That is kind of the point. It’s well made, fun and for the right person very addictive. Try it out!


Dubious records are the best records! Let us celebrate our failures and not just our successes… :-D


Thanks for bringing up this game! I enjoyed Bit Blaster XL, so I’ll check out this one as well.


hugs It’s ok, every assassin can have a bad month, what matters is that you pick up and keep fighting the backlog ;) I wish you a more gaming filled june ;)