Everything* completed on hard! Except DLC, I’ll have to get back to the game if I get my hands on the DLC…
I like tower defense games, and this is a simple, classic tower defense game. It is really easy to get all the achievements in this game, you’ll probably have at least 11/12 just from playing the first 20 maps on easy. I don’t remember how long it took to get the last one, which is “kill x dinosaurs”. Luckily the achievements-design is not the most important thing, so I put in several more hours so I can now say that I have completed all the levels on hard difficulty :)
Edit: Forget to say what game it is :D

I like tower defense games too
My favorite is Kingdom Rush :)
What game is it?
Congrats for finishing it on hard
It’s Day D: Tower Rush, edited the post :)