Backlog Assassination : December 2019
I’ve been quite absent this month, mostly because I managed to fall sick twice and spent a lot of time sleeping. Maybe I’m not a Human, maybe I’m a groundhog in disguise !
Remember when I complained about my landlord being cheap and spending over a month and a half only to do stuff that would have taken 2 days max to professional and thus I spent 3 to 4 days with migraines and being unable to sleep ? Well let’s say that I’m catching up.. In between the two other apartments which are now also under renovations. It’s a joke, the last joke of 2019 which continues on being the first joke of 2020.
I wish you all the best for 2020, let’s kill our backlog together, one game at a time, without rushing too much so we can enjoy said game and without feeling bad if we don’t play as much as we would like. Don’t forget that even though our goal is to play our games, it has to stay fun, otherwise it’s just another job and pressure we don’t need in our life.
Planned Assassination

I generally don’t feature the games I put in my “Won’t Play” category, but this case is really specific. The Midnight Mysteries series is a good one (except the first, it’s terrible, but it sets the base plot of the game), the problem is that the developers and people responsible to maintain the game don’t patch those for them to be playable with the new CG or Windows or.. I don’t know, something is wrong with those game, they run at 1 FPS and unfortunately, nothing is done and a lot of people buy them only to discover later on that they have been given broken games. I did try to contact the support, they never answered to me (and to the dozens of people complaining in the reviews and forums), they just don’t care. So be warned : If you buy those, try the game right away to make sure it works so you can get a refund if not :) !
Bonus Assassination
ABC Challenge Progression
Best Of This Month
Beside the Midnight Mysteries disappointment, I had a lot of fun this December. I bought a bunch of games, offered another bunch and was extremely and positively surprised by two games:
- A Little Lily Princess a VN based on the classic novel “A Little Princess”, which English is amazingly beautiful and follow the story of the book. If you hate blanket MC who accepts everything because of love, this game is for you, Sara is proud, smart and doesn’t let people step on her toes, even at her lowest.
- Neighboring Islands a VN with PIRATES and all the gist, I didn’t expect this VN to be this good and honestly loves it. The only thing irking me is there is basically only 1 road to go, if you make the wrong choice, you die.. It’s basically a Kinetic Novel.. With death options lol !
I hope you had great holidays and I wish you all a Happy New Year, let’s hope that 2020 bring happiness to all.
PS : What are your “New Year Good Resolutions” ? Mine is to be kinder to myself as I’m have the bad tendency to not forgive myself for any mistake and it’s about time to work on that ^^” !

Hmm…it appears that I have the entire Midnight Mysteries series in my library and have never played them. I think a long time ago I played my first HOG and thought to myself, “hmm, that was kind of fun,” and started buying them in bundles left and right. As you know, that can bloat your library in a hurry. Maybe I’ll remove these four from the library/backlog since it seems like I would never prioritize them. I still have plenty of unplayed HOGs. I also have the Dreamscape games for the same reason. Maybe I’ll keep them around.
Yes, Happy New year to you too! I’m sorry that once again you haven’t been well– and once again your landlord is making your life miserable. I wish you had an easy way out. But I guess that’s not how life works, usually.
I don’t know that I’ve ever really made a New Year’s Resolution. I can see how they can be helpful to motivate oneself to improve something, or to get something done. I guess I’ve never thought that declaring a resolution would, in the end, provide sufficient motivation to get me to do something that I wouldn’t otherwise do. But maybe I’m wrong on that.

The first Midnight Mystery is honestly terrible, but the second one was amazing, so I was really hyped to play the 3 others and now.. Well.. They don’t work :| !
Good resolutions are personal, I’m sharing mine because eh, why not ? But indeed, so long you’re motivated, you can get through a lot !

I wish you all the best for 2020, let’s kill our backlog together, one game at a time, without rushing too much so we can enjoy said game and without feeling bad if we don’t play as much as we would like. Don’t forget that even though our goal is to play our games, it has to stay fun, otherwise it’s just another job and pressure we don’t need in our life.
Amen to that :)
It’s a shame you had problems with the Midnight Mysteries games, especially Witches of Abraham was a good one if I recall. Personally, I didn’t have any performance issues with them, running on a fairly weak machine with Win7. Maybe your PC is way too modern for those games? :D
As far as new year’s resolutions go, I have one. I’ve a got a small list of games that I aboslutely want to play this year, so let’s see how that goes!

Ironically, I’m pretty sure that the problem is related to the fact I’m playing on a x64 computer and the games just don’t run with that sort of setup. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING ! It’s crazy to go on the discussion and see only people complaining about the game running at 1FPS, yet the dev don’t give a damn about it !
Neighboring Islands is a really nice VN~One of the best VN I’ve played so far I’d say, and it took me around 11 hours to explore all the routes. Granted I did use a guide for that tho. However, the story is not complete as the 4th chapter is not translated, according to steam forum. And I don’t think it’ll ever come up which is a shame.
Are you me? xD I also go hard on myself for mistakes and often bash myself down thinking I’m stupid and such. :< Let’s work on that together!
I’m following the guide too, I won that VN on Steamgifts and wasn’t expecting anything much and it blew my mind how well written the story is, I’m just a bit sad that you are forced to follow one specific road to survive, it allows a lot of choices but only one really works.
Technically you can go 2 routes but ultimately only 1 is right if I remember correctly, which is a shame. I do like that there’s a lot of deaths tho. It’s fun trying to be stupid in situations just to see how he’ll die. xD
Yeah, I’m trying them all, also I read that the game wasn’t finished too !