
Hi! I am new ^_^

Categorizing all these games I have amassed is almost as daunting as the thought of playing them all, but I hope it helps me find things I want to play more efficiently :)

Blue Ϟ Lightning

Hi and welcome!
well the initial dragging things into the default catagories shouldn’t take to much time at all but if you are planning on making a bunch of custom lists with catagories it might be a daunting task-

If you want a custom plan the ABC Plan is something people are doing.
theres also the current monthly theme and the challenge me
other than hai hai and welcome idk


Hey, welcome aboard, CeilingChair! :)

It’s only daunting because you have so many to initially sort, but it’s pretty satisfying when you start to recategorize them from “never played” or “unfinished” to “beaten” and “completed”. :D


Welcome. Don’t worry once you did the categorizing you’ll have it done and everything will look neat and tidy. Hope you have fun here!


This comment was deleted over 7 years ago.


Welcome to BLAEO! I’m sure this community will help you get rid of some of your backlog :)


Welcome to Blaeo!
Looking forward to reading more from you and your gaming progress :)

Happy backlog killing!


Welcome! You’ve got a really big library, it’s going to take a lot to categorize all of them

Lucky Thirteen

Hey, welcome to BLAEO! I wish you the best of luck with your backlog :)