Backlog Assassination : May 2019
Not everything went as planned, but I’m not upset at the fact I couldn’t progress on everything I intended to. My handicap has been a serious butt those pasts 2 months, forcing me to lay down at least once a day because of the pain and the insomnia didn’t help either as the days are getting warmer. Still, let’s have a look at what I planned and what happened in the end !
Planned Assassination :
Overall I believe I did not too bad, I only dropped one game and didn’t play one. I didn’t have the focus to go through Nier Automata so I decided to simply not play it. Beside, I was given some great games to play and I would have lacked of the necessary time to play it. As for Children of Zodiarcs, it was such a deception that I stopped after one painful hour.

Bonus Assassination :

ABC Challenge Progression
I hope you’re proud of your own assassinations guys ! Don’t forget that even if you didn’t do as much as you hoped for this month, there is always another month. Don’t beat yourself over numbers, it doesn’t worth it, what is important is to try, not the result ,) !

A plague tale and nier are two of my favourites! What do you think about the first one?

Plague is amazing, I’m still at the beginning as I play when my friend is around to watch, but definitely a must.

FYI, a number of your “Read the Review” links are linking to your recommended reviews. For example, Far From Noise and Figment.

Beside Figment which was missing a number, the others are right, I just didn’t write a review yet (don’t scold me >.< !)
Omg its a game report and not a random question report! Nice amount of games done though and I recognise a few I’ve just done this week
It’s not Monday, that’s why x) !