Hello, all. This is my February 2017 “monthly report.” Please see my profile for more info.
All of the games I’ve played this month are listed here. I’d like to discuss them below:
Completed games
Stories: The Path of Destinies
37 hours playtime
37 of 37 achievements
Heaven's Hope
13 hours playtime
26 of 26 achievements
9 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
2 hours playtime
no achievements
Other notable progress
A few notes on this month's games
- Although it’s a smaller list this month, total game time exclusive of idling was about the same as last month (63h for January, 60h for February).
- The Papo & Yo time was actually from January…the day/month seems to cut off at 11pm local time. Maybe because of Daylight Saving Time? I guess I’ll find out this month.
- Only one of the five games I played this month was a Steamgifts wins (Stories). One other (ABZU) was a gift, though (Secret Santa).
- I only played 2 out of the 5 games with (e.g., with an audience of) my 5-year-old twins (Heaven’s Hope and Hue), plus moments of Stories and ABZU.
Stories: Paths of Destiny (SG win)
This game. Really good game overall, but I’d make one important suggestion: don’t try to get 100%. You’ll enjoy it much more if you don’t, as the last two achievements are very grindy. Worse, if you do a little research like I did on how to make the end not quite so grindy, you end up depriving yourself of much of the enjoyment of the game. In short, it has to do with ensuring you don’t do certain paths that confer a level-up until the end, when levels are more expensive. I also had a couple of issues with the checkpoint system, when it appeared to be saving my progress as I grinded but because I didn’t properly complete a chapter, I lost a full night’s work of grinding. Anyway, the game itself is quite good, but I lost out on the best experience with it because of those damned achievements.
One other sad thing…initially I was playing this game with my kids, and letting them choose my “path.” At one point, it was time to go just as we needed to make a choice. I wanted to ensure that it was saving our progress after exiting to the main menu, so before quitting, I briefly resumed the story. It had saved progress, but now there was no way NOT to choose the next branch and continue the story (short of killing the game process I suppose). In trying to find a way to exit, I accidentally chose the other path, where we do something “unheroic” to the female lead. My son lost it, crying, saying it was a bad game and wanting me to delete it. Needless to say, I decided I’d play the game without them from then on. Poor kid. :P
ABZU (gift)
Well, plenty has already been said about ABZU, so I won’t bore you. My favorite level was the Atlantis section. I had to use a walkthrough to find all of the hidden shells, but I certainly didn’t mind replaying parts of it. I fought with the controls for the first couple of hours until I finally inverted the up/down axis. To my knowledge, this is the first game in which I’ve ever inverted an axis.
Heaven's Hope
Has a lot going for it, but ultimately I’d give this a mixed review. Nice art style, voice acting, some nice puzzles…decent story I guess. But some aspects just drove me crazy, including inconsistent UI, needlessly small hotspots for room exits (such that I twice didn’t realize I could go in a particular direction), overly long monologues (you can skip each line one at a time), several places where you know exactly what to do but not the right sequence/item combination/etc. to accomplish it, and a couple of silly puzzles. By the end I was kind of glad it was over, and the ending wasn’t very satisfying. Still, not the worst point-and-click you can find.
Originally I was just going to idle this game, but it looked kind of intriguing and not too long, so I started playing it. I don’t usually like low-poly graphics, but I really liked this game and while most of you will probably find it super-easy, I found it just hard enough to keep me working and interested.
Fun little puzzle-platformer so far, where you choose a “pen color” to change the world’s background color so that obstacles appear and disappear when you need them to. I’m probably less than halfway through…I have a feeling the difficulty will ramp up once I’ve unlocked all of the “colors,” since there will be a lot of colors to choose from in realtime.
Plan for March
See my Attack Plan. I plan to finish Hue. I’ll work on Amulet of Dreams intermittently with the kids (just started it today). I keep putting off Black Sails for one reason or another– but once again, I intend to play it this month as my primary “sans kids” game. I might try to squeeze in Samorost 2. And to go with this month’s theme, I will play LEGO Harry Potter 5-7 with the kids. Years 1-4 was probably my daughter’s favorite game so far. I might tempt fate and let her try to join me in co-op (she’s 5 1/2). We’ll see how that goes…

Congratulations! Abzu is a great game. I admit I checked a guide for collectibles as well. I hate constantly checking guides in the middle of gameplay :S

how did you manage to play stories 37 hours?
i’m at barely at 9 and already tired of the amount of bugs and crashes i get… :|
i mean, if the game didn’t crash and i had to restart areas so much, i could easily reach 30+ hours, but it’s getting so annoying i will finish the “main mission” and be done with it till devs fix their game…

I didn’t get any outright crashes, though I did get stuck in the environment a few times and had to restart the chapter. Other times the textures would disappear in an area, and I’d have to feel my way through empty space for a bit, but then I’d get onto “solid land” and be able to continue. The 37 hours are for the reasons I mentioned above– getting those last two grindy achievements (this one and this one) and losing some progress during grinding. There was probably also some going afk due to child needs, but not a lot.
Edit: I also am slow as hell. I top off my health and sword power as much as I can (breaking every barrel, etc.), take every side path looking for blue and red chests, etc. Also, I strongly recommend not trying to 100% the game…yes, beat the game, get any easy-to-reach achievements from there, then call it a day.

oh, i wanted to get all the stories, it sounded like fun but not like this will random crashes and getting stuck sometimes -.-
also planned to reach lv cap, but i’m at lv 20 so far and it takes like 1-20 fights to level up. it’s a bit insane…

Well as you saw in my report, I’d advise against grinding out those two achievements. But if you do, then keep replaying the Chapter 5 of the True Hero path, and after the XP tally comes up, but before the cutscene, go back to the main menu. When you continue, you’ll get to replay Chapter 5 which has good XP. Just make sure you complete Chapter 5 (with the cutscene) after replaying it over and over again…otherwise you’ll lose all of your progress.
Congrats on your progress! I’ve been trying to win Stories for forever now so it’s good to know it’s a decent game. How long would you say it is without idling?
Good luck co-oping with your daughter :) some of my greatest memories was playing games with my dad when I was about that age.
If you don’t go for 100% completion, it should only take about…5-8 hours? “How Long to Beat” says 5 hours…though it always takes me twice as long as those figures. :P The time is affected by chance in the sense that the minimum number of “paths” you have to go through is variable. It’s not random either. I can explain a little further under minor game mechanics spoilers: you have to unlock four “truths” by going through different paths, but there’s no way to know for sure which truth will be unlocked based on your choices without a walkthough. But in theory, you can unlock all four straightaway. After that, you have to unlock the true ending.