
Link for the Screenshot community challenge

My Screenshot challenge is coming up very nice:

A B C D Eiffel tower F
M N O Peach’s Castle Q Restaurant
S Temple of Time U V W X
Y Z        

If you’re interested in one of the games, you can find the list of games used here

  • Switch screenshots look bad because Nintendo won’t let me transfer high quality pics to my pc. I had to post them on Twitter and take a screenshot. It’s so stupid.


My Memory of Us

4.6 hours, 17 of 23 achievements


  • WW2 and the Holocaust through children's eyes.
  • Intuitive puzzles. I only had to look for a guide once.
  • Short and sweet.
  • Controls suck and you can't remap in-game. (Seriously who uses the arrow keys to move intead os AWSD in 2019?)

Remember Me

10 hours, 39 of 50 achievements


  • Graphics hold up quite nicely for a 2013 game.
  • Chapter selection and great checkpoint system (It's criminally underrated how these awesome features are never talked about. People only notice them when they get stuck in a terrible checkpoint)
  • Interesting Story


  • Combat is a bit boring.
  • I hate the rewind sections
  • I found a game-breaking bug. (If you kill the bosses on chapter 7 before their minions, the game won't let you get out of battle stance and therefore you won't be able to open the door to progress.)


Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

26 hours, no achievements


  • Looks and feels like a Nintendo game with the price of a Ubisoft game.
  • Movement during combat is awesome. You can walk, team jump, dash and shoot in a single turn. (much faster and less static than XCOM, for example)
  • Interesting collectibles (There are a lot of them) that you have to go back to previous worlds after acquiring some powers.
  • Challenges are awesome, especially the the first ultimate challenge.
  • Amazing visuals
  • I loved the boss fights, especially the Opera Singer


  • A bit too easy if you're a turn-based veteran
  • I hated the escort missions (Seriously, I cannot think of a single where escort missions are fun. Why devs keep adding them?!)
  • The game could use 1-2 extra worlds. 4


Peachs Castle! <3
I nearly took a screen the other day… but then didn’t :(


It’s a shame I couldn’t go inside in this game, but at least it turns gold when you complete the game. xD
A screenshot of Peach’s Castle? Which Mario game have you been playing?


Does one ever get to see the inside? Honestly I have not that much… insight into Mario games :D
Na, not Peachs Castle. Just something from another game. Something from Aviary Attorney. But can’t recall what that was thinking Oh well, I have to go hunting I guess :]


I believe you could get inside in Mario 64. Maybe some other games as well. Not sure.
Well, you can always open that game again for a screenshot or 2 later someday! xD


Yay for Mario + Rabbids! It was a really good game indeed. And it just reminded me about the DLC, I still haven’t checked it out. I’ll add it back into my checklist backlog haha xD

And nice screenshots. I still haven’t even started to think about it. That’s my superior power of laziness at work!

About the Switch screenshots problem you mention (on that other topic but I might as well answer it here), I’m not sure I understand but personally I set my screenshots folder on the SD card so I just have to remove the SD and plug it into the PC to grab all my screenshots.
To change the setting, you can find it in the System Settings under:
Data Management > Manage Saved Data / Screenshots and Videos > Manage Screenshots and Videos > Save Location
Then, they are saved by year and months on the SD card. I only play in handheld mode so all my screenshots are 720p and sometimes the compression ain’t the best but it is easy to transfer screenshots! Here are mine for M+R, where you can see it’s not that great either xD but at least I don’t have to do multiple manipulations.


I saw in a review that the DLC is good and around 15h long. If it goes on sale, there is a good chance I’ll try to grab a copy. xD
Thanks! I know about SD cards, but I don’t own any. I wish Nintendo had a system where I could just send them to my email/dropbox/etc, instead of having to spam my Twitter (I believe one could use Facebook as well) feed with a bunch of screenshots. Besides, Twitter doesn’t let me download pictures, I have to screenshot them, lowering their quality even more. T_T Your SS look awesome! So much better than mine! :D

Unrelated question: Did you play Zelda in handheld mode? I’m exclusively playing it on my tv because, unlike M+R, it feels so wrong to play that game on a tiny screen. Do musou (I remembered the word! xD) games feel like that as well?


Ah, you don’t have a SD card! And I don’t use Twitter or Facebook so… I can only try to imagine your pain xD but I have no solution for that.

And yeah, I don’t have a TV so everything I play is in handheld mode. I really love handheld. More than console. This is why I have a 3DS, a Vita, and a Switch! Though I have a soft spot for Nintendo so I also had a WiiU. But Handheld is something I really enjoy. And I didn’t have any problem playing them that way. The only game I have some trouble is Bayonetta 2, too much action on a small screen is a bit hard to follow. It’s probably best played on a regular screen at least. But I’m pleased with all my experiences so far with Switch’s games in handheld mode. And I already beat Bayonetta 2 on WiiU so I’ll definitively go with handheld on this rerun.

I kinda understand wanting to play glorious games on bigger screen. But I just can’t pass a good handheld xD


Damn hadn’t heard about the My Memory of Us controls. :( Do you think a controller would be better, or more tedious?


I honestly don’t know if this game has controller support. Well, at least you get used to the arrow keys after a while, but after 20+ years using AWSD it’s weird to use them again.


I looked at the store page and it said it has full support, why I was curious if you thought (just by the game playstyle) if it’d be compatible or a pain in the ass like some games. Guess I could always refund it if it’s that bad. :) I sadly can’t really use arrow keys, it tires out my right hand super quickly.
Anyways glad you managed to enjoy it despite the controls! Certainly looks intriguing, the trailer grabbed my attention right away.


It’s definitely a good game with a super sweet story. The controls are nothing more than a minor annoyance. I hope you enjoy it as well! :)


(Seriously who uses the arrow keys to move intead os AWSD in 2019?)

I do, since 1999! Suck on it, now you know how people like me feel everytime game has WASD as default with no option to change :P


Did someone hit you really hard in the head in 1999 or what? :P
but seriously, I don’t mind having options to change to the arrow keys or whatever, but I hate when you can’t bind keys >.<


You didnt want the arrow keys and I wanted it when playing costume quest 2 earlier. Not that I really used the arrow keys at all but the fact the 1st game had both arrows and wasd controls it was annoying number 2 didnt for when I only hand my right hand free. Pretty sure I couldve remapped the keys but I didnt have time for that!
But I know my shiness game I’m playing right now doesnt let you remap which sucks since it was ment for a controller. If you put games onto pc it should come equipped with rebinding the controls


Key-remapping is one of those things that is really important in a game, but people only notice when a game doesn’t have it. >.<


Yeah it really is. As people say you only appreciate stuff when its gone and key-remapping is one of those things


This comment was deleted about 6 years ago.


It really depends on the game and how many other buttons are required to be used to play, but I absolutely don’t have any problems with using arrow keys for control. For many precision platformers it’s even a default, like in Super Meat Boy where I couldn’t even imagine doing the deathless achievements if I had to use my non-dominant hand (on WASD).

Btw, you know there are programs out there you can use for remapping keys in games which usually don’t support it? The one I’ve heard really good things about from friends is called AutoHotkey. It’s a powerful scripting beast that can be used for many, many other things + using it requires some basic programming knowledge, so if you want something really simple with good user interface then it’s not a good choice, but even in that case I’m sure there are other tools like that which can be found if you try googling it out.


. I’ve used them once to remap my xbox controller, but never thought about using them for my keyboard. Games always have AWSD by default or keyremapping these days. It’s probably the first game in years without it. At least, it’s just 3h long, so it’s not a big deal.
inserts first world problems meme