Kathy Rain
#10 of 26 (2018)
7 hours playtime
17 of 20 achievements
Kathy Rain (2016)
Ten down, sixteen to go for 2018! (What do you mean, "the year is nearly half over"‽‽‽)
Kathy Rain is an excellent modern example of the classic point-and-click adventure genre. It gets pretty much everything right, from the characters to the gameplay to the artwork. And while it doesn't manage to supplant any of my all-time favorites, it's a very solid entry and any criticisms I have are merely nitpicks or personal preference. And yes, there is rain in the game — although I don't recall anyone ever using an umbrella!
As the eponymous Katherine Rain, a rebellious, motorcycle-riding girl at college in the nineties, you learn that a close relative has just passed away. Your dorm roommate encourages you to return to your small-town home for the funeral, although you haven't been back there in years. There may be something more to the death though, and so... "A Detective is Born."
At the start, I didn't care for the voice of Kathy, but she grew on me pretty quickly as I played. The entire cast delivers their lines well, with good comedic timing where appropriate! If you've played any of Dave Gilbert's (Wadjet Eye / Blackwell series) games, he was the VO Director on this game, so you get the same quality here. The writing also does well at giving each character their own personality (although I would have preferred a different direction for the ending), and some of Kathy's lines are wonderfully snarky! If you have little ones around though, there's also some strong language to be aware of.
I think the two things I loved most about the game are the artwork and the pacing. The game does a wonderful job of managing your inventory and goals so that you are never overwhelmed by your options and are rarely confused about what to do next. (When in doubt, try the phone or the phone book — very 90s!) Although much of your time is spent conversing with other characters, it never got too uninteresting, and was broken up by a number of story- and context-appropriate mini-games or puzzles.I thought the computer software puzzles and a puzzle with a poem were both particularly well done! And as you conduct your investigation, the day wears on, and each new day is a good spot to save your game.
Every single pixel in this game is beautiful, and it's nice to see gorgeous clouds in an adventure game that aren't an obvious homage to Bill Tiller. Full Throttle undoubtedly gets a few inspirational nods though, and I think it's safe to say that there's a definite Blackwell influence. But the character designs, color palette, and backgrounds all feel very "Kathy Rain", and it's nice to have so much detail across the board in everything design-related in this game.
Lastly, since you're playing as a "strong female lead", you might expect a bit of feminism from the game. And it's there, but it felt natural, not at all out of place, and neither overdone nor preachy.
I'd been eying Kathy Rain for some time, and finally received it in the November 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle. After successfully herding it out of their backlog, EvilBlackSheep also shared their thoughts on the game, and Girlbeard gave it a recommendation as well! For the completionists out there: with regular savegames, it would not take me long at all to finish off the remaining three (hidden) achievements in the game. For point-and-click fans, definitely recommended!
Forgot this in the last update…
Antenna (2016) It’s free, and has fairly simple gameplay (once you figure out what the controls are, and whether or not they’re bugging out). It’s an easy, quick, 100%, but as a game I’d only recommend it if you’re fairly interested in radio signals; there’s a nice post on the Steam forum from a hobbyist about the various signals that are in the game.
One year on BLAEO!
I know, I know, I mentioned this at the bottom of my previous post too, but soon there will be fewer than twenty-four hours left to enter!

I read both of your reviews on phone, but this one made me remember the GA. So thanks for sharing great game :)
As for your previous post i must say that L.A. Noir looks great, never played it and i loved playing older GTA games. So i guess i will have to fix that one day :D
And Kathy Rain review looks cool, might give it a try one day too :)

I really liked Kathy Rain, too! I’m really happy with the 2010’s AGS point n clicks. I actually think on the whole I’d put Kathy Rain on par with the Blackwell series - maybe above one or two of the weaker games.
I must’ve missed Antenna - I’ve downloaded it now and I’ll play it sometime! Thank you for your reviews c:

Completion update: as expected, only took a short time to finish off the achievements. Completed June 3rd.
Did people finally get the hint now? :)
lol, a couple more noticed at least – still pretty good odds. :)