
Main Quest #10 - 22 July 2018

Puzzle Agent 2

Puzzle Agent 2

about 4 hours playtime
52 of 52 achievements (100%)

I think I might play some more small games I own in this summer so I can relax a bit and feel like I progressed a lot through the backlog (and my sg wins ;__;) since apparently I just can’t stop buying games… already bought 54 games and we’re “midway” through 2018 (vs 74 in 2017). Help!


The beauty of shorter games is that they can do a lot of things that wouldn’t work for longer games. And that you get a more diverse gaming experience, since you’re exposed to more different artstyles, soundtracks, game mechanics and whatnot. I’m a bit sad that I finished a lot of my shorter games already (some are still left ofc).

Oh, and yeah, the backlog shrinks much faster :D


All positives then! Guess I’m gonna try to play them even more now xD