Hey. I’m new here. I decided to sort my games and this group is what I needed before my backlog grows out of control. Can’t wait to hear back from some you guys.
I’m currently playing Alien Isolation (on my girlfriends steam) and Payday 2. Also always playing Skyrim :P

..and welcome to the whole steamgifts community, since we are at it! hope you’ll enjoy your stay ^_^

Thanks. I’m enjoying steamgifts so far.

Welcome to Blaeo!
But… you sneaky! Stealing your gfs Aliens! O.O ;)
Hope this place will help you out. I’m looking forward to reading stuff from you :)
Happy backlog killing!

Yeah I have to play aliens for her because shes too much of a chicken to play it lol. Loving it so far.

Well, I guess I can understand that. Aliens can be super meanos or super nice thinks of Tali and Liara and Garrus… AAaaaaaand I stop thinking there, that list would just go on like that :D

Ho boy…haven’t heard someone say skyrim in years

Welcome to BLAEO and good luck killing your girlfriend’s aliens (or something like that)!

Welcome! Ah yeah, Skyrim…I should revisit that too. Have fun :)

Welcome to BLAEO and happy gaming :)


Hey shadowstorm2k, welcome to BLAEO and good luck with your backlog! :)

thank you!

Hey, welcome aboard! :)
Welcome! Hope you’re enjoying everything you’re playing, Payday 2 is quite fun. Best of luck backlog slaying. :)
Thanks, you are right. Payday 2 is quite fun, especially when you play with friends.