Trilled Meow


  • Chaos on Deponia (SteamGifts)
  • Fall of the New Age Premium Edition (SteamGifts)
  • Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials (SteamGifts)

Challenge Me!

Challenge Post

80% never played
20% beaten

Evilblacksheep challenged me to play:

I've played Bioshock before, but not the remastered, not on PC, and not since its release. I've been finishing Bioshock Infinite, so it will be interesting to go back to the first.

  • Lucius II

    21 hours playtime

    57 of 65 achievements

  • Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

    4.8 hours playtime

    0 of 0 achievements

  • Road Not Taken

    12.8 hours playtime

    14 of 20 achievements

Lucius II

A Playing Appreciated SG win. I remember the controls being really bad in the first, but this seemed better. (Sorry everyone, but in any game that has me walking a character around, I prefer to do it with a controller). The menu interface was too small and sucked. It took me basically the whole game to figure out how to use some items properly, and others I never figured out (like how to kill people with the TV and radio). Towards the end some sudden puzzles forced me to learn that I could actually use that water container I'd been carrying around all game to make long-ass, ridiculous trails to electrocute people. Often I broke the special trap items trying to figure out what they did/how to use them.

As a result, except for some kills for the glory (achievements), I stuck to the tried and true methods, namely poison, nail guns, throwing acid, and taking over someone else's body and having them violently attack and kill everyone else.

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

An SG win. I was interested because of the archaeology thing, even though the archaeology games basically never mean actual archaeology (which is generally pretty boring -- volunteer at a local dig if you don't believe me). It took a little bit to get used to the cartoony graphics. But the HOG scenes barely had any items, so I have to admit that I just started clicking any item I saw without checking the list first because most were on the list.

Road Not Taken

A Challenge Me! game. I was worried about being able to finish this since it's tagged as a roguelike, but the ability to save your progress through the game (though not your items) made this pretty easy to accomplish. It's not like a usual roguelike, though. It's actually a puzzle game that has the player combining items in the environment by throwing them next to other items (at its best, think throwing two logs together to make a fire, and then tossing a raccoon into that fire to make a raccoon stew). You go back to town between levels where you can go to your house, give gifts to townspeople, and even get married. It was a nice little game.


Hey you finished Road not taken, congrats! I’m glad you enjoyed it, it was not as hard as you were dreading, was it?

Trilled Meow

I was having a hard time at some points until I remembered that I didn’t have to save every kid every year. In hindsight I could have done better than I did, but it took me a while to figure out exactly how some items worked. I screwed up some with the will o’ wisps and spiders killing the children, so I started making clear/safe paths to bring children through by throwing the will o’ wisps to the screen with the mayor/parents, where they didn’t seem to be able to do anything.


Remember to save regularly on two different slots for Bioshock. Unless it has been corrected/patched or whatever (which I doubt). Else you may experience some save corruption/loss that may happen during random loading screens or while saving.

Trilled Meow

Thanks, I remember you mentioning an issue with the first game. Is this for the remastered version? I usually do switch off saving between 2-3 slots, so hopefully it won’t cause me much grief.


Yeah it’s for the remastered one. And it seems true for the second game as well, unfortunately.


This comment was deleted about 6 years ago.


Congrats on your progress! ^_^
The only one of those that I played is Road Not Taken, but I didn’t finish it though T_T Still, you writing that’s it’s easy feels encouraging to try again :)

Trilled Meow

Just make sure you remember to save at the fountains and keep at least 1 coin so you can do it. Also, it was easier because I started giving up on some kids after I got enough for the level, lol.