Welcome To My Backlog Journey! JapaniKatti’s profile

Hello everyone and welcome to my BLAEO profile!

I am your average gamer girl from Finland
and I like to buy games and complete them (at least I try really, really hard!).
I joined this website in hopes of trying to complete more games and get more motivated
in completing my backlog. I usually have troubles selecting games to play,
so themes and challenges where people select the games for me
will most likely help me immensely.

I really like story driven games,
games that are pretty to look at so I can take screenshots and games that are chill.
Sometimes I even enjoy games that challenge me, but I usually need to be in a right state of mind for that.
In my free time, when I am not playing games, I enjoy drawing, watching movies
and reading books and comics as well as tormenting my cat, Nemi, and my husband, Hitsu.

[ L I N K S ]

twitch.tv | Bluesky | steamtrades | HL2B | backloggd

Not in any specific order, though my more obsessed ones are at the top.

  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
  • Dragon Age II
  • Dragon Age™ Inquisition
  • Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • GRIS
  • Stray
  • The Invincible
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  • Assassin's Creed Revelations
  • Assassin's Creed III Remastered
  • Hogwarts Legacy
  • DRAMAtical Murder
  • Synthetic Lover
  • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Thief
  • Spore
  • Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
  • Styx: Master of Shadows
  • Game of Thrones
  • GreedFall
  • The Wolf Among Us
  • ABZÛ
  • Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
  • DoronkoWanko
  • Unpacking
  • Coffee Talk
  • Life is Strange Remastered
  • Kind Words

I am a sucker for statistics and numbers,
so when I saw other users here who had listed their steam stats and progress in their profiles,
I knew I had to do the same. I've been trying to be a motivated completionist for awhile now,
but I hope this website will get the ball rolling faster!

Please keep in mind that these numbers change depending where you look for them,
I have used completionist.me to calculate my numbers.

[ S T E A M   S T A T S ]

2025 - ???? games, ???? achievements, ??% avg. game completion rate
2024 - 1213 games, 10 816 achievements, 97% avg. game completion rate
2023 - 1008 games, 8793 achievements, 92% avg. game completion rate

[ B L A E O   S T A T S ]

2025 - ???? new games, ???? games completed, ??% games never played
2024 - 205 new games, 72 games completed, 65% games never played

[ F A V   S H O T S   O F   2 0 2 4 ]

[ F A V   S H O T S   O F   2 0 2 3 ]

[ F A V   S H O T S   O F   2 0 2 2 ]

[ F A V   S H O T S   O F   2 0 2 1 ]

[ F A V   S H O T S   O F   2 0 2 0 ]



Well, the year 2024 is over and we move into the next. This year has been really tough for me personally with gaming, as I have been struggling starting games that take longer to complete, as well as trying to select the games that I want to focus first on.

I joined BLAEO as a result of wanting to join Play or Pay, which I did, and it was certainly a good decision in regards of conquering my choice paralysis. The people at Play or Pay discord have been so welcoming and lovely and I have had a blast with talking with some like minded people! There was also a couple of old friends there who I hadn't chatted with for a while.

As we enter the new year of 2025, my plan with my backlog is most likely going to change a bit. I will try my damnest to enjoy games without focusing too much on the 100% aspect. It was an ambitious goal of mine to 100% all of my backlog, but as the months go by and I get more and more awesome games in my library, the goal seems to be further and further away. I need to make a reality check and try to wire my brain to just enjoy games without the 100%. I do hope I can manage that, but I have never tried, I have always tried to go for 100%, so this is going to be something totally new for me. Please keep my struggles in your thoughts lol.

Speaking of goals and backlog, one other goal I want to try and accomplish during 2025 is to not buy any games unless I want to play it right that instant. I have a bad habit of buying games that seem neat and not play them right away because I think, "I'll try this soon!" when in reality it will stay still in my backlog for years, untouched and forgotten.

Anyway, I have rambled on enough, so lets get to the stats part of this post! How many games I completed this year, how many games I added to my backlog, how many of those where gifts, giveaway wins, curator connect games etc etc.


C o m p l e t e d t o t a l:......81
    ▶ o n S t e a m:......72
    ▶ o n I t c h . i o:.....7
    ▶ o n DD:.................1
    ▶ o n M o b i l e:.....1

F a v o r i t e g a m e s f r o m t h i s y e a r:

  • Assassin's Creed II
  • DoronkoWanko
  • GRIS
  • Stray
  • Synthetic Lover
  • The Wolf Among Us
  • F a v o r i t e s c r e e n s h o t s t a k e n t h i s y e a r:


    T o t a l g a m e s a d d e d:........................205
        ▶ g a m e s b o u g h t:....................46
        ▶ k i c k s t a r t e r p l e d g e s:....1
        ▶ t r a d e d g a m e s:.....................21
        ▶ f r e e 2 p l a y g a m e s:.............24
        ▶ c u r a t o r c o n n e c t:...............34
        ▶ g i f t e d b y f r i e n d s:............68
        ▶ g i v e a w a y s w o n:..................11


    Playing through Steam. I consider this game as endless as it's a MMO and there is a lot to do. I usually put it on hold when I can't afford to buy the membership.

    The Elder Scrolls Online:
    Playing through their own launcher. Similarly to the above, as it is an MMO, there is a lot to do and will most likely be an endless game. I also only play the game when I can afford ESO plus.

    Sid Meier's Civilization V:
    Playing through Steam. One of the games I really wanted to try and 100%, but there is just too many achievements and I am getting bored with the game. I did get half-way though, so I would consider that an accomplishment in itself! Will probably mark this beaten in 2025 when I decide to drop it.

    Monster Hunter: World:
    Playing through Steam. We started this game with my husband and we are pretty close to the end game! I still have ambitious plans of 100% this game, and I will still try to do it in 2025. We have been taking a bit of a break with this game, but will likely continue it in 2025.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition:
    Playing through Steam. I had played this game previously with a lot of mods and the achievements didnt unlock, so my plan for 2025 is to 100% special edition of skyrim. It won't be too hard as I have 100% skyrim previously already.

    Red Dead Redemption 2:
    Playing through the Rockstar Games launcher. I've already beaten this game once, but my second playthrough is still ongoing and I want to try and 100% it. If I don't manage it though, it's fineee! I still gotta play it through steam anyway and can try to 100% it them xD.

    Baldur's Gate 3:
    Playing through Steam. I am sooo close to 100% so that will definitely happen in 2025. I finished my honor run in October so the hardest is behind me at least.

    Grand Theft Auto V:
    Playing through the Rockstar Games launcher. I played a lot of the online mode with friends, but I still need to complete the main story mode! Probably not going to 100% this game as there is a lot of secrets and the rockstar achievements are a bit weird.

    Dragon Age: The Veilguard:
    Playing through Steam. I'm taking my sweet time with this game as I am really excited for it, so it will be awhile before I will count it as completed. Plan is also to get all achievements.

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:
    Playing through Steam. I am still going through the assassin's creed games on steam, I've already completed these games up until Black Flag, but the plan is to 100% them, so they take a bit, because of the collectibles.

    Detroit: Become Human:
    Playing through Steam. I started this game on stream so I haven't played it outside of stream. Last stream I had was .. a year ago. So this is going to be awhile before I can complete it, unless I get really excited about streaming again.

    Sudoku Universe:
    Playing through Steam. Little bit of sudoku once in awhile. I thought this game would be a fast completion, but there is a lot of levels to do! I am not rushing it as I really like doing sudoku puzzles when chilling, so this is my while chilling game.

    Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition:
    Playing through Steam. One of those games I started for Play or Pay, but I didn't manage to complete it during the cycle I started it for. It's really difficult and I really want to finish it, but I will probably not 100% it.

    Baimason's Thing Finder Puzzle:
    Playing through Steam. Lovely little game, I have completed all the main puzzles already, but I still want to try and get one of the achievements atleast, which requires you to do 30 days of the daily puzzle.

    Love and Deepspace:
    Playing on mobile. Hot anime husbands have me hooked, so I have been playing this one a lot. This game seems to be an endless one, but I will play it until I feel bored!

    Fallout 76:
    Playing through Steam. I played this some in April when I won it, but I put it on the backburner for now because I want to try and finish all the other fallout games that I own before investing more into the MMO.

    College Craze:
    Playing through Steam. I have done all the content there is currently, but it is not finished yet, so I have retired it for now to wait for more content.

    Lilith's Throne:
    Playing through a Direct Download. It's a big game so there is a lot of content, and you can play in different ways so I still have it as an ongoing game. There is also more content coming, and the main quest isn't finished yet.

    10: December 2024

    1 0 0 H I D D E N C A T S : P I R A T E S

    100/100 (100%), 0.1 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    It has really pretty artwork, but other than that, it's just like any other "poorly done" hidden object game that can be completed in under 10 minutes. It would be a lot better if it wouldn't so easy to complete, since currently the cats are not at all hidden and you literally don't have to even work your brain to find them.

    I completed both the main level and the extra level and would say that maybe turn your attention towards more of the better hidden cats games, like the ones from Devcats or Nukearts Studio. I hope to see better content from this dev later though! The artwork was pleasant.

    C A T S H I D D E N T I M E L I N E

    10/10 (100%), 0.6 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    What a lovely breath of fresh air this was! As a person who has played a lot of hidden cat games due to the Catizens curator (and cuz I like em), some of these games get really stale really fast, but not this one! Cats Hidden Timeline was a blast to play through, because of the interesting mechanic of manipulating time to find some of the cats.

    The different levels were absolutely fantastic and lovely, there were so many little details around that were fun to look at. The cats were not too hidden, but hidden enough to make you actually search for them without just finding them outright, of course some were more easier to spot than others.

    Definitely would love to play another game like this, maybe with an asian theme for the environments, or medieval? I loved every second of it! Can't wait to see more from this dev! I absolutely recommend any fans of cat games or hidden object games to test this one out!

    H I D D E N C A T S I N V A D E V E N I C E

    9/9 (100%), 2.3 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    Hidden Cats Invade Venice is a 3D hidden cats game where you move your camera around to see the environments in different angles to catch all the sneaky little kittens. There is also penguins for some reason. The main levels have 100 cats per level and each has one hidden penguin. The bonus tower levels start small and get bigger, those don't have any penguins in them. There is also one bonus level with just penguins and there is 100 penguins in there. The penguins were probably the most hardest part of this game.

    I really liked the way the game was made, though there were a lot of points where the devs could have improved upon. All that said though, a very good entry in the hidden cats genre and definitely worth playing if you enjoy these types of games.

    M O N O N E K O: A R H Y T H M A D V E N T U R E

    no achievements, 5.3 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    MonoNeko is a simple rhythm game with a dark, yet intriguing, artstyle and story. I am personally not that great at rhythm games, so the game was a tad bit difficult for me, but I still very much enjoyed it. The artstyle is really amazing, but the game has some dark themes, mainly dead cats, which might be upsetting to some gamers. The artstyle is quite gorey in that regard.

    The soundtrack is really fun and it was pretty clear to me what the rhythm was supposed to be, it fit pretty well with the gameplay. The character and boss design is super cool and I really enjoyed the artstyle!

    I would definitely recommend this game to fans of rhythm games. It's rather cheap, though it is still in early access. There hasn't been much updates so far from what I can tell, but I hope the dev is still working on this game! Some people have had issues with crashing.

    W H O L E T T H E F R O G O U T

    no achievements, 0.5 hours

    This game is a very simple frogger like game where you start out as a frog that seems to be a piggy bank and you try to get over paths with rolling spike wheels, fireballs, arrows and rivers with moving logs and water lily petals and other obstacles. You can unlock different animals such as dogs, ducks, goats, and even pigs. Each animal possesses unique characteristics and abilities.

    The gameplay was alright though there was a couple of annoying bugs that I encountered that made me restart my runs. I also randomly lost a live at one point, even though the creeping fog behind the character was not even close. The game was otherwise alright, though some of the artwork looked a bit out of place.

    This is again one of those games where I wish there was a neutral review option, as I don't think this game is really worth your time, but it can be harmless bit of fun if you really want to enjoy it. I played the game with all the different animals, if that matters at all. I wouldn't spend money on this game, but if you want to, go ahead.

    C A T S E A R C H I N T H E W I L D W E S T

    100/100 (100%), 0.2 hours

    Very fun looking free to play hidden cats game. The gameplay took only 10 minutes to complete and nowadays if the game takes less than half an hour, I wouldn't recommend it to any veterans of hidden cat/object games. However if you are just looking for a quick little fun thing to use a couple of minutes on, then its definitely worth it.

    C A T S E A R C H I N M E D I E V A L T I M E S

    100/100 (100%), 0.3 hours

    Very fun looking cheap hidden cats game. Similar to their other games, but the gameplay took around 20 mins to complete which was a tad longer than the previous I played. It's not a game that I would recommend for those who are really good at these types of games since it takes such little effort to complete, but I guess it was fun for the while it lasted.

    C A T S E A R C H I N F E U D A L J A P A N

    100/100 (100%), 0.2 hours

    Another hidden cats game from the same developer, this time not free, but still very cheap. This time it took me around 10 minutes to complete, so again, not really a good choice for those who are pros at these type of games, BUT it's still a good bit of fun. I really enjoyed this setting the most from the three games I played.

    G R I S

    17/17 (100%), 7.8 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 1st Cycle of 2025 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

    GRIS is an extraordinary experience that will stay with you long after the credits roll. As the story unfolds, you follow Gris, a young girl navigating through a world filled with sorrow and loss, but what makes this game truly unique is how it portrays that emotional journey, with different hues and shapes, with the sound design of each chapter.

    Gris’s character evolves as she gains new abilities. Each new ability unlocks further parts of her world, mirroring her own emotional growth and allowing players to experience a deeply personal, evocative story in a stunningly serene setting.

    The game is a visual masterpiece. The art direction is breathtaking—each environment is meticulously crafted, bringing to life a world that feels both melancholic and beautiful. The animation is delicate, fluid, and full of subtle emotion, and the soundtrack, composed by Berlinist, elevates every moment with an elegant, atmospheric score that perfectly complements the game's tone.

    What truly sets GRIS apart is its lack of traditional gaming frustrations. The game focuses on exploration and light puzzles, allowing players to immerse themselves in the experience without feeling rushed or pressured. The platforming challenges are satisfying but never overly difficult, and the lack of text makes it universally accessible—regardless of language, anyone can appreciate the emotional journey this game offers.

    In conclusion, GRIS is more than just a game—it's an emotional journey through a world of color, sound, and art. It’s a quiet, introspective experience that encourages reflection and emotional connection, and it’s a journey that feels as rewarding as it is beautiful. If you're looking for something serene, evocative, and artistically stunning, GRIS is a must-play.

    T H E L O N E S O M E F O G

    no achievements, 0.1 hours

    Very cute and lovely short story from Might and Delight, The Lonesome Fog tells a story of a young lynx cub who is afraid of anything and everything, but eventually gets it's courage. It's not really a game, more of an interactive diorama book, but it was still very enjoyable. Sadly it's very short and absolutely not worth the full price it costs, thankfully it goes often on sale.

    D O R O N K O W A N K O

    no achievements, 1.2 hours

    If you've ever dreamed of being an adorable, chaos-loving Pomeranian armed with a gatling gun, Doronko Wanko is the game for you! This delightful gem combines quirky humor, chaotic gameplay, and a unique premise that had me smiling the entire time.

    The core gameplay is refreshingly simple yet ridiculously fun: get muddy, spread the mess, and cause as much delightful destruction as possible! The mechanics are surprisingly satisfying, especially when you shake off mud to uncover hidden Pomeranian “paintings” around the house. It’s like a scavenger hunt but with dirt—and a whole lot of personality.

    I loved the variety of challenges and badges that encourage playful experimentation, whether it’s coating the beds in mud or finding creative ways to wreak havoc. Though the game is relatively short (I completed it in about an hour), every moment was packed with charm and entertainment. Sometimes, a bite-sized adventure is exactly what you need, and Doronko Wanko delivers that in spades.

    Highly recommended for anyone looking for a whimsical, lighthearted game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Prepare for muddy chaos and endless giggles!

    H I D D E N C A P Y B A R A W I T H O R A N G E A N D P U M P K I N S

    23/23 (100%), 0.2 hours

    This game is a charming hidden-object game that perfectly captures the cozy, festive vibes of Halloween. As someone who has played their other hidden capybara games, I can confidently say Hidden Capybaras with Orange and Pumpkins: Spooky Halloween Edition is a delightful improvement!

    The glowing lights when you find a hidden capybara is simply magical. It transforms the artwork and makes the entire experience feel even more vibrant and engaging. The cityscape brimming with Halloween décor, pumpkins, and spooky details is beautifully crafted, and searching for the 100 hidden capybaras is both relaxing and rewarding.

    I also loved the extra challenge of finding 5 hidden cats and spotting special guest characters scattered throughout the scene. It added variety to the hunt and kept things fresh. While the game is on the shorter side—it took me just over 10 minutes to complete—it’s a perfect bite-sized experience. For newcomers to the genre, it could definitely take a bit longer to uncover all the secrets, making it even more satisfying.

    This game is a treat for fans of hidden-object games or anyone looking for a lighthearted way to celebrate the Halloween season. Highly recommended for a quick, relaxing escape into a whimsical world full of capybara charm! It is also totally free, which is always a nice bonus!

    H I D D E N C A T S : T H E L A S T O F C A T S

    17/17 (100%), 1.1 hours

    If you're a fan of hidden object games and are looking for something delightful yet challenging, then Hidden Cats: The Last of Cats is an absolute gem that you won't want to miss! This free-to-play title features hidden feline friends that are both adorable and cleverly concealed.

    While the base game is relatively short, clocking in at around 20 minutes, the addition of the DLC ramped up the complexity significantly for me personally. The challenge of locating these sneaky little cats is what truly sets this game apart from the others. The developers have genuinely nailed the art of making the cats small and well-hidden, which keeps the gameplay engaging and adds an extra layer of satisfaction when you finally spot them!

    As you find each cat, vibrant colors gradually fill in the exquisite artwork of each area, which not only adds an aesthetic pleasure but also provides a rewarding sense of accomplishment as you complete each section. It's a simple yet effective way to visually represent your progress and makes every successful find all the more gratifying. I've played a couple of different hidden cats games that have done this previously, but I still find it a very fun way to track progress.

    Overall, Hidden Cats: The Last of Cats is a delightful addition to the hidden object genre, filled with charming artwork and challenge. Whether you're a seasoned hidden object game enjoyer or just looking to unwind with some casual gaming, this game definitely provides an enjoyable experience. It’s a purr-fect way to spend your time!

    H I D D E N P A W S

    8/8 (100%), 2.8 hours

    A hidden object game where you embark on a quest to find cats and colorful balls of yarn across 20 snowy islands. Hidden Paws, with its cold winter night atmosphere, is visually appealing and creates a cozy ambiance. The game offers over two hours of gameplay, which, while not extensive, is perfect for a casual gaming session.

    At first glance, the graphics are fair; they do the job but don’t particularly stand out in the crowded genre of hidden object games. One major highlight is the soothing soundtrack, which really sets the mood—although it’s unclear whether the tunes are original or sourced from elsewhere. Finding hidden felines and yarn amid cleverly crafted environments can be both entertaining and challenging, especially since they are often tucked away in unexpected spots like car trunks or behind piles of logs.

    However, the game does have its downsides. For players prone to motion sickness, the camera controls can be a significant drawback. Although I eventually got the hang of it after about an hour, the camera movements felt cumbersome and made me a bit sickly, making the exploration of each level a tedious task. Searching around multi-sided buildings for hidden objects can also be frustrating, as you'll find yourself constantly readjusting the camera for a proper view.

    In conclusion, Hidden Paws is a cute game with a lot of charm and hidden surprises. Yet, the frustrating camera mechanics hold it back from achieving its full potential and it made me give this game a negative review. If you can tolerate the camera controls, you’ll find a fun experience waiting. Otherwise, it might be worth keeping your eye out for other options in the genre.

    December 2024 -  28 New games, 14 Completed

    9: November 2024

    A B S O L U T E L Y F * * K I N G N O T H I N G

    no achievements, 0 hours

    This month was one of those where you were so busy playing games that take a long time to complete that you didn't actually complete any games... I played a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 (almost done with that one) and Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Hopefully next month is going to be more fruitful!

    November 2024 -  6 New games, 0 Completed

    8: October 2024

    A S H O R T H I K E

    12/12 (100%), 4.2 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 4th Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Riku.

    Hike, climb, and soar through the peaceful mountainside landscapes of Hawk Peak Provincial Park as you make your way to the summit. In A Short Hike you play as Claire, a young anthropomorphic black bird, who lives in the city. She has come to visit her Aunt May at the Hawk Peak Provincial Park where she works as a park ranger.

    It's a very chill and lovely little game where you go on a hike up the mountain! To get to the top, you need to gather some golden feathers to be able to climb and fly higher. The main story ends after you've reached the peak and talked with Aunt May about it, but you can explore the game after it just fine. I did almost everything before went up the mountain though, which is possible.

    It wasn't too difficult to play and to 100%. One of the achievements was time specific, so I changed the time on my pc to get it, as I would have otherwise forgotten it anyway. Other achievements were very straight forward, though I used an interactive map on google to find some of the collectibles.

    In the end though, the game is very lovely and I think it's worth to play, such a lovely little game.

    S K Y L A R & P L U X : A D V E N T U R E O N C L O V E R I S L A N D

    33/33 (100%), 10.3 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 4th Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Fynx.

    Are you ready to adventure like it’s 2001? Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island is a passionate revival of the legendary 3D platformer genre with classic gameplay, playful gadgets, and a lighthearted story set in a gorgeous, colorful world reminiscent of our childhood adventures.

    It's a very nice and lovely little 3D platforming game that is reminiscent of Jak and Dexter. It's quite simple, but has a few different unique mechanics that were quite fun to master. There was some collectibles to gather, which were not too difficult either.

    I'm quite sad that the game has been removed from sale on steam since its a very lovely game and I would love to recommend it to people. Im sure you can still get a key somewhere but its probably not worth it for huge amounts of money. Either way, its a lovely game and totally worth playing if you happen to get it or you already own it!

    A N A R C A D E F U L L O F C A T S

    40/40 (100%), 2.3 hours

    It's a lovely free game from Devcats who have previously made games like A Castle Full Of Cats, Sudocats, Zodiacats and many more. You get to journey through gaming history's time and space, while searching for adorable feline companions in 'An Arcade Full of Cats,' the ultimate "pet'em up" hidden object game.

    The paid DLC is required for getting a 100% completion on this game, but it is definitely worth it if you enjoy the rest of the game. You join Leo and Fofiño as they navigate a feline-infused version of the arcade era, spanning from 1980 to the year 2000, all while attempting to find their way back to the present! The DLC adds some more older timelines with extra stuff to do.

    Absolutely recommended to be played!

    O X E N F R E E

    13/13 (100%), 20.9 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 4th Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Fynx.

    Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight party on an old military island. The night takes a terrifying turn when you unwittingly open a ghostly gate spawned from the island’s cryptic past.

    Oxenfree was a lovely game with a dialogue heavy story and different endings, as well as some cheeky time shenanigans. I have enjoyed a bunch of similar games previously and this one did not disappoint at all! The game offers a low stress experience without forcing you to rush through the game. You can take it as slow as you like, or as fast as you like (or possibly can, obviously).

    The game really shines with it's character design and making the characters feel like they were actually alive. Their reactions, random dialogue and all the little details made it such an enjoyable thing story-wise. Even if there story would have been bad, which it wasn't, but I get to that in a moment, the characters would have probably saved the game even then.

    The story made it so there was a constant sense of pressure throughout the game, but it wasn't overwhelmingly bad that would have made me rush through it. I definitely got spooked a few times, more times than I'd like to admit, but it was definitely not too scary, but just enough!

    Few issues I feel like this game had, was when some dialogue choices would start to fade out even before the character I was responding to hadn't finished talking yet. It was also a bit unclear when the thinking bubbles would appear atop people, when they were thinking about a specific character. Did it mean they were thinking of them positively or negatively?

    The game was an alright experience to 100% complete it, but it did take me more playthroughs than I would have liked. I didn't really follow guides for the achievements, except for the collectibles, so you can kinda tell that from my playtime.

    Either way though, I think its a fantastic game and everyone should definitely play it! Highly recommended!

    October 2024 -  17 New games, 4 Completed

    7: September 2024

    W O R L D O F G O O

    8/8 (100%), 22.4 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 3rd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by VinroyIsViral.

    A delightfully challenging physics-based puzzle game that stands out with its quirky charm, intriguing narrative, and excellent soundtrack. The game tasks you with building structures out of goo balls to reach a goal, but don’t let its deceptively simple premise fool you—getting 100% completion is seriously hard and can leave you feeling overwhelmed at times.

    The story itself is surprisingly compelling for a puzzle game. It’s quirky, mysterious, and manages to keep you hooked throughout its various chapters. The narrative explores themes of corporate greed, technology, and environmentalism, all wrapped in an oddball yet thought-provoking package.

    One of the standout features is the soundtrack. The music is beautifully atmospheric, enhancing the game's emotional depth and drawing you into its bizarre world. It ranges from whimsical to haunting, perfectly fitting the mood of each level and making the overall experience much more immersive.

    If you're looking for a puzzle game that offers a unique experience with some real brain-bending challenges, it's absolutely worth checking out. Just be prepared to not get 100% easily unless you're up for a real test of patience and precision!

    September 2024 -  9 New games, 1 Completed

    6: August 2024

    A S S A S S I N ' S C R E E D I I

    No Achievements, 42.8 hours

    An epic story of family, vengeance and conspiracy set in the pristine, yet brutal, backdrop of a Renaissance Italy.

    I played this game for the first time in 2016 on my xbox 360 and fell in love instantly! I played it after completing the first game in the series, and I was very much happily surprised of the improvement they had done to the second game compared to the first one. Don't get me wrong, Altaïr is a great character and I loved him, but Ezio really captured my heart, as well as all the other characters that were introduced in this game.

    I also feel like Renaissance Italy is the perfect spot for an Assassin's Creed game. There is so much fun things to see and learn about, but also the villains of the story were all quite interesting. I've always had a soft spot for this game, but playing it again on steam just reminded me of how much I loved it.

    In technical aspects, it's slightly clunky and hasn't aged really well, there were more than a few times where I almost threw my controller at the wall because Ezio decided to jump backwards of a tall building, causing desynchronization, rather than up or to the side where I wanted him to go.

    Either way, it's still an awesome game and I 100% recommend everyone to get it. So much fun times with this game.

    T H E D A R K S I D E D E T E C T I V E

    30/30 (100%), 7.8 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 3rd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Sword.

    Grab your trench coat, tune your sixth sense and join the Darkside Division as they investigate the outright bizarre, the downright dangerous and the confusing cases of Twin Lakes.

    The game follows a list of mysterious cases that are to be solved by the hard-boiled, yet surprisingly humorous Detective Francis McQueen and their lovable partner, Officer Dooley. Each case is it's own contained story, but certain plot threads and characters can be seen in multiple different cases.

    The Darkside Detective effortlessly blends the spooky aspects with humor, creating a unique and engaging atmosphere that feels like a cozy mix of supernatural spooks and lighthearted buddy cop comedy. The witty dialogue stands out amidst it all, consistently delivering funny lines and puns.

    The pixel art style is charming and nostalgic, perfectly capturing the essence of classic point-and-click adventure games. The game's design is full of clever details that reward exploration and keen observation, interacting with everything also gives you hilarious commentary from McQueen and Dooley. The puzzles are well-crafted, but on the tad easier side, so you wont get frustrated with them.

    Overall, the game is a fantastic experience and I think anyone who enjoys these kinds of point-and-click pixel games will love it. The "very positive" rating it has on here is well deserved! Highly recommended.

    M A G I C A X O L O T L

    5/5 (100%), 2 hours

    Magic Axolotl is an enchanting and delightful game that captures the essence of whimsical, short-form adventure. In this charming little game, you play as an adorable axolotl wizard who embarks on a magical quest to recover a fallen star, guided by a mystical map. The journey takes you into beautifully crafted areas and finally into a dark forest where a dark ghost cat stands guard over the precious star.

    The gameplay is simple yet captivating, relying on drawing spells with your mouse to defeat various enemies. I found the mechanic very simple and quick to learn, making it easy for players of all ages to jump in and enjoy the game. Though, the hard mode of the game is actually quite difficult to master, and I had to get my drawing display to be able to manage all the spells without taking damage, if you manage to beat it with your mouse, you might actually be a wizard!

    Despite its short playtime, the game delivers a memorable experience filled with heart and whimsy. The story seems sweet, yet it isn't much expanded on. The axolotl protagonist is absolutely adorable, and the little amount of interaction that you get with the ghost cat at the end adds a touch of mystery and intrigue to the narrative.

    Overall, Magic Axolotl is a delightful indie gem that offers a perfect blend of cute visuals, engaging gameplay, and a heartwarming short story. It's a must-play for anyone looking for a magical, feel-good, casual game. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just looking for a charming way to spend a cozy afternoon, this game will undoubtedly leave you enchanted and smiling.

    P I X E L C A R R A C I N G : B L O C K Y C R A S H

    No Achievements, 7.2 hours

    💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

    An indie racing game where you race with small cars made of blocks! It reminded me of Lego Racers somewhat, though this lacked in many aspects in my opinion. The game has it's heart in the right place, but it falls short on several key areas that I would think were integral for a racing game.

    The game mechanics are alright, but there are many things that I didn't like, such as the fact that there was no controller support or the fact that getting new cars good cars required a lot of grind. There isn’t much to keep players engaged long-term, as the tracks and cars, though varied, don't offer enough distinction or challenge to sustain interest. There is a lot of levels, but they don't really get more interesting or harder.

    Visually the game is really fun and the artstyle is quite pleasant to look at. The way the cars break down when you hit things and get repaired with different colored blocks was super fun. Soundtrack wise the game was really good, though I kinda wish there were more variety.

    In conclusion, I feel like the game can become something amazing with a little more polish, though I didn't personally like how it was at the moment. I wish there was a neutral review option, but I guess I will recommend it, as it's still a few hours of good fun.

    B A C K T O H O M E

    9/9 (100%), 3.4 hours

    💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    I really wanted to give this game a recommended review, but sadly, I had so many issues with it that I just can't. I'll start with the positive though, as my experience with the game wasn't all bad.

    Back To Home is your average walking simulator type of game, with some platforming mixed in there. The graphics were decent, but the cat looked a little sick (especially when looking from the front lol). The soundtrack was lovely and It was easy to complete, in theory.

    Truth however, was that I was more often than not, stuck in some hole that was left by the developer who had put down the 3D assets of the terrain. There were many such holes that I accidentally dropped myself in, and I was unable to continue without closing the game and restarting the chapter/level. There was also one part of the game where I was able to just jump over most of the "puzzles" and skip them entirely, and getting forward to the next chapter.

    I feel like with a lot of hardwork and polish, this game could be a lovely little hidden gem, but to me, it currently isn't it and I felt more annoyed playing it, than satisfied and enjoyed. I wouldn't recommend getting it, as there are other better walking simulator like games out there similar to this one.

    W H E R E K I W I S ?

    11/11 (100%), 0.1 hours

    💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    I feel like the devs did an improvement here by not giving an achievement for each Kiwi found, like they did in hidden cats game, but it didn't really improve the game enough to get a good review.

    The game takes under 10 minutes to complete and it's really not that good. There is so many better hidden object games on steam. Most of the games from these devs feel like a copy paste, I also took a closer look at the artwork and it's really detailed for sure, but there is a lot of errors and it doesn't feel like it was done with care.

    Sadly not for me and I wouldn't recommend wasting your money on it, even though it's really cheap.

    W H E R E B I R D S ?

    12/12 (100%), 0.1 hours

    💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    I don't honestly know what to say about these games anymore. They are literally the same game, just with different items/animals to find, that are not actually that well hidden either! Also why did they combine birds, humans and balloons together to be found?? The one with Kiwis made sense to find the kiwi birds and the kiwi fruit, but this makes no sense. Also there were birds in the background that I couldn't select, which were clear birds!!

    This game just made me more annoyed. If you have to play this dev's games play one of the other ones lol.

    August 2024 -  26 New games, 7 Completed

    5: July 2024

    T H E H E N R Y S T I C K M I N C O L L E C T I O N

    82/82 (100%), 6.2 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 3rd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by VinroyIsViral.

    Absolutely adored this game back in 2008 when it was still just a collection of flash games. It's still an awesome game to this day, and well worth getting.

    The Henry Stickmin Collection is a collection of a Newgrounds choose-your-own-path classic games, reborn and put together in a 6-game epic collection where the story culminates into multiple different and awesome endings. Correct choices move the story forward where incorrect choices lead to an array of different fail scenes. If you happen to get the correct ones on your first try, you are doing something wrong. Failing is the best part of this game in my opinion.

    The game brings back incredible amounts of nostalgia and some of the endings made me shed a tear, if you know, you know. The game is still one of the funniest and well made games out there and its definitely worth getting if you like point-and-click games and good humor.

    July 2024 -  15 New games, 1 Completed

    4: June 2024

    B U B B L E D O G S

    no achievements, 0.3 hours

    💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

    Similar to the popular Suika Watermelon Game, Bubble Dogs is a puzzle game where you must combine family of dogs (mother, father and their pup) to clear them from your board. You drop down bubbles of dogs from the top, and try to make combinations. The more combinations you get, there more points you get and you also get special items as well.

    I wasn't really a fan of this one. I played a similar Suika game earlier called Zooplop, which was very enjoyable, but this one felt a little too rough around the edges. With some refinement however, you could make the game worthy of the player's time.

    It's a really cheap game though, and if you want a simple game to play, you could probably enjoy this one. Still, I wouldn't personally recommend this one.

    C A T S B A L A N C E

    50/50 (100%), 0.7 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    Minicactus Games once again delivers an amazing puzzle game, this time with a lovely pixel art style and SO MANY CATS! Cats Balance is such a fun balancing puzzle game with a bunch of different stages with varying levels of difficulty, a fantastic soundtrack that is very calming and a cute black cat cheering you on all the way to the end.

    It's super cheap and great quality for what it is worth. My only complaint was that it felt like the game was completed a little too fast, so there could have been something more in it. Can't really say what that more could have been though, haha.

    Either way, its an amazing little game and I definitely recommend this wholeheartedly! It was such a blast to play!

    F A B L E S F R O M T H E D E N

    no achievements, 0.3 hours

    It's a good little digital storybook. It's not a game at all, but it was fun little thing from Might and Delight developers.

    I love the artstyle of Might and Delight games, so getting a little storybook from them is amazing.
    The stories are small short stories about fables about different kind of animals.

    The fables have good sayings and meanings and it would be great to read for children!

    C L E A N T H E S E A !

    18/18 (100%), 1.1 hours

    💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

    In a world where the oceans are burdened by humanity's neglect, Clean the Sea! challenges you to pilot a lone vessel on a noble quest: cleanse the waters, rescue marine life, and turn the tide on pollution. As you progress in the game, you'll witness impact of your efforts, bringing life and color back to the areas that you've cleaned.

    Alright, so, I really like these types of games where you do a task, get currency, improve your tools to get better at the task, then get more currency to improve your tools more, and the cycle goes on and on as long as the game goes on. This game was fun in that regard, though I feel like it would have needed some more things and better optimization in collecting and currency accumulation.

    It only took an hour to 100% the game and clear all the areas currently available. It's a short game, and I feel like it would have been better if it took a little longer with more content. Sadly, you have to pay to get to the next areas, so if you focus on upgrading, you hamper your own progress and make it slower. The new trash accumulation is not fast enough for proper currency accumulation, so when you play like that it slows down a lot. Though, once you reach a bank, you can turn coins into cash and it will get a bit better.

    Despite this, I did enjoy the game! I do think there could be some upgrades however: balance trash accumulation with upgrade costs, maybe add more different upgrades, the game needs to have an option to change the music volume, not just turning it on and off and the different levels could be a little bit different from each other.

    I will say I recommend this game because I do think this would be a really good game with a little bit more work! The price is really good though, compared to what it is now!

    C O R B I D - A C O L O R F U L A D V E N T U R E

    21/21 (100%), 4.9 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    Hop on and drive into the colorful adventure of this very cute game! You play as Corbid, a cute elephant, with the power of color on their side. You meet a cute friend, Poppy the axolotl, who helps you on your adventures.

    You play your way through two different gardens which contain a few different levels and a boss "fight" for each. It's a very well made and enjoyable game, with cute enemies and a colorful look. The enemies in this game are defeated non-violently, so it's a very lovely game for children. The puzzles in this game include simple navigation, complex paths to unlock doors, use pressure plates and switches, targeting, navigating through different slimes, finding the different colors, combining them and more!

    I absolutely enjoyed the game, the first garden was rather simple, but it was clearly meant as a "teaching the basics" kind of stage. The second garden was a little bit harder and it had me scratching my head at some times, but it was still rather simple and great for kids as well! I also read some reviews where people said there had been some bugs, but for me, I encountered none, so I believe they had fixed them rather quickly.

    In conclusion it's a very lovely and enjoyable game in my opinion! Definitely worth the price it sits at and it was super fun. Absolutely recommended!

    H I D D E N C A T S I N B E R L I N

    61/61 (100%), 1.1 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    Nukearts Studio once more deliveres an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Berlin delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in multiple different places and a couple of different modes to enjoy. You start with an uncolored illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

    You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, as well as extra kitten levels that are unlocked from finding special named cats in advanced mode! There is also a big bonus level, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels. It's similar to what they started to include in their few previous games.

    The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

    H I D D E N R O B O C A T S

    100/100 (100%), 0.1 hours

    💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

    Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete. It took me a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

    Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

    I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!

    T H A N K S M O M

    5/5 (100%), 0.4 hours

    💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

    Thanks mom is a.. confusing platforming game? Question mark? I wasn't really sure what the heck was going on... I didn't really enjoy it.

    Something about babies, pregnancy and cow butt. I know this review is a little sparse, but I really don't know what to say. It was just.. bad in my opinion.

    I wouldn't recommend it honestly. I guess if you want some weird stuff then sure.

    T H E W O L F A M O N G U S

    35/35 (100%), 10.5 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

    Telltale revolutionized the ground-breaking choice and consequence game mechanics with their The Walking Dead Series. Now they delivered us a dark and moody thriller based on the Fables comics, The Wolf Among Us.

    You play as Bigby Wolf, also known as The Big Bad Wolf, who acts as the Sheriff of Fabletown, a community made for the fables who had to leave their home behind and enter the world of the regular people. The game delivers a mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world and has you hooked on it's story from the get go.

    The story spans across 5 episodes that have 5 chapters in each of them. It has twists and turns, excitement and emotion at every turn and a thrilling ending that can change depending on your choices. The story absolutely doesn't disappoint and it was such a blast to play through.

    The game isn't even that hard to 100% either, as most achievements are automatic as the story progresses, though some require you to do different choices, for collecting all entries for the book of fables. Thankfully that has been made easy with the replay option after you have completed each episode. I did that at the end once I had completed the whole game and it took only a few moments.

    I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Telltale games and story-based games. While everyone still clings to the hope of a second season, I personally am just really happy to have experienced this game. Definitely worth your time!

    C A T S & S E E K : O S A K A

    100/100 (100%), 0.2 hours

    A very lovely Hidden Object game where your hidden objects are cute cats! The game has a very cute artstyle and you can customize all colors of the game if you want! You can change the background, lineart and cat colors to suit your needs! This was perfect because I wanted everything to be dark, since I cannot do lightmode.

    The game doesn't take too long to complete though, it only took me 13 minutes to find all cats and do a speedrun level once. It's rather short, and I would have preferred a little bit more game time. There is some extra levels from paid DLCs.

    I had some issues with the game running properly through steam when pressing play, so I had to run the game through it's exe file, but that didn't affect anything thankfully, and achievements unlocked fine! Other than that, it was a fantastic hidden cats game and I enjoyed it thoroughly!

    I can definitely recommend it for a quick little fun! and it's free, so its definitely worth it!

    C A T S & S E E K : K Y O T O

    19/19 (100%), 0.8 hours

    Another fun Hidden Cats game from Noobzilla. I feel like this one was a huge improvement on the previous one I played! Still very cute art and lovely soundtrack! You can still pick your personal colors on the background, lineart and cats which is still a huge bonus! You can also customize your cursor which was super fun!

    This time there is more things to do, some special easter eggs and locked chests. They have less achievements than the last game, but this time the game takes longer to 100%, but it doesn't take too long in my opinion! There is also a photomode that you can try out!

    This game still didn't want to launch properly through steam, so I had to play it through the exe again, but the achievements unlocked normally and game time was recorded fine. It's still a little bit of an inconvenience, but it was a good game still.

    Definitely recommended, a lovely game for free and was very fun to play. Absolutely worth your time!

    June 2024 -  21 New games, 11 Completed

    3: May 2024

    C A T T I E

    100/100 (100%), 72.4 hours

    Looking for a cute cat, retro feel and a little bit of challenge? Then this game is for you!

    Cattie is a challenging platformer game with retro pixel graphics. With each level, the difficulty steadily increases, introducing new mechanics and enemies that will put your platforming skills to the test. The game has 100 levels total, but to me that felt a little too many levels. You first play 50 levels and then you play the 50 levels in reverse for a total of 100.

    It's definitely a good game, but I feel like its too long. It took me 70 hours and a little over to complete the 100 levels. The art is fun and the soundtrack is great. The cat is very cute.

    I do recommend this game, just be aware that it might take longer to complete.

    E T E R N A L T H R E A D S

    10/10 (100%), 13.3 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

    As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timeline, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.

    Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. You watch through scenarios to unravel the personal stories of the six people you are tasked to save, while changing their choices along the way to make sure they survive the night of the fire. You can also work through their personal issues while you are at it, which leads to a "perfect ending".

    It's definitely an awesome storytelling game that is well written and it combines the ordinary together with the futuristic mundane. It was really hard to just stop playing and I felt like I could have played it from start to finish in one setting if I had the time. The stories of the different characters were very good and really had me hooked. The burned down house was at times creepy and gave a little bit of suspense to the whole game while playing.

    The game wasnt too difficult to 100% and I really had a blast while playing it. It's definitely a good game to play if you enjoy choices, time manipulation and a good, well written story. Highly recommended!

    S T R A Y

    24/24 (100%), 12.5 hours

    I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

    Stray is a third-person cat adventure game set amidst the detailed, neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity and the murky environments of its seedy underbelly. You get to play as a cute orange cat who gets separated from it's family and the goal is to find your way back home to the outside world. Time to solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by curious droids and dangerous creatures and make new friends along the way!

    It's an absolutely fantastic story with fun gameplay and lovely characters. The main character, the stray cat, is adorable and has very realistic cat movement and mannerisms. Your companion droid, B-12, that you meet along the way, is very adorable little robot with an interesting backstory that unravels as you go forward and collect it's memories along the way.

    I felt like this game combined some of my favorite things about games; cats, exploration, collectibles, emotional turmoil and impressive scenery. It really was one of the more enjoyable gaming experiences I have had the pleasure of playing. The soundtrack was also super good and I can't wait to give it a listen later and add it to my spotify list.

    I think this is one of those games everyone should play! So I highly recommend this to anyone who is atleast a little bit interested, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    A U T U M N S P I R I T

    no achievements, 2 hours

    A melancholic love story between a woman, named Clarisse (main character name can be changed), escaping her busy life as a surgeon and the spirit of a deceased young man, named Nathan. On a fateful day, they are led together by the spirit of Nathan's dog, Ulysses, the most goodest boy.

    Autumn Spirit is a lovely, yet surprisingly emotional visual novel styled game with an amazing story and characters. The game left me in tears and the emotion that the characters had was felt by me through the screen very strongly. The dog was also a great addition to the game and it made me sad at times.

    I highly recommend this game, definitely worth your time!

    M E T A L : H E L L S I N G E R

    28/28 (100%), 6.5 hours

    I won this game through SteamGifts.
    I played it for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

    Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm based FPS game where you need to fire, reload, dodge, murder and mayhem to the beat of the soundtrack. It is really a lovely game, with amazing gameplay and smooth experience even for those of us who suck at rhythm based games.

    In the game you play as The Unknown, who has lost her voice to The Judge, and her journey is narrated by this skull, who you can also use as a weapon on your journey. She wants her voice back, and she's going to get it by force. The story was pretty good, I do think there was some things that could have been better, and I feel like the game doesn't shine in this aspect, but it was not bad at all.

    Many reviews on steam say that it's basically a really awesome album that comes with a free game attached. That's a pretty accurate statement in my opinion. The soundtrack is absolutely a banger and I really, really, really, REALLY need it to come to spotify. I am still hopeful, even after all this time since release.

    I played the game on the easiest difficulty and with the "always on beat" setting, because I remembered playing the demo when it was about to release and having rage quitted it, because I just couldn't do it. It's not you, it's me situation lmao. I can't do rhythm games, but this was absolutely one of those games that I had to experience myself.

    Now, I know i've talked about the game already a lot, but let me just say, the final battle with my favorite song from the soundtrack, No Tomorrow (featuring Serj Tankian), was SO GOOD! Like, the song makes it 100x times more amazing and cool. It's just so beautiful. I loved every second of this.

    It's definitely a game I'd recommend for anyone who enjoys rhythm based games, and FPS games similar to DOOM. It is absolutely worth every penny it costs.

    T A S K P A L S

    no achievements, 10.1 hours

    I have played a couple of different types of desktop pet games and applications recently, and I have to say, this one has really great artstyle and looks very cute, but lacks in literally anything else. There is good amount of settings, but you cant raise the pets to be on top of your taskbar, as the application only allows you to raise them just a specific amount.

    You can select whichever pet you want, which is really nice, but there is no actual mechanics to the pets, on keeping them happy or fed, or to be able to play with them. I believe the developers plan on updating the app some more in the future, so I hope these updates will include some actual mechanics to the application.

    Sadly I cannot recommend it at this time of its life, and will instead towards you to some other desktop pet application, as there are a lot of them out there. My opinion on this might change eventually, if more content is added.

    May 2024 -  18 New games, 6 Completed

    2: April 2024

    I C O M M I S S I O N E D S O M E C A T S 0

    16/16 (100%), 1.3 hours

    Very fun and colorful hidden object game where you are tasked in finding cats and balls of yarn in 15 different beautifully drawn artworks. The artworks vary by the artist's artstyle and different styles proved more difficult in regards to finding the stuff you needed to find. Regardless it was very fun and not too difficult.

    I really enjoyed it, though some artworks were bit of an eyesore (giving little bit of a headache) due to the color palette or thickness of lineart, but all of them were so beautiful and I wanted to keep looking at them forever!

    The soundtrack was very interesting and each artwork had their own song playing. I wasn't really a fan, so I muted it and listened to my own music while playing, but you don't really need to hear the music to fully enjoy the game.

    I am a bit dumb so I accidentally started playing the same stages over again with the different "folders" which I assume were meant for different playthroughs/people. I thought they were somehow different and didn't realize that they indeed were not for more than an hour of playing lol. Regardless I managed to finish the game and got a little extra time in there as well.

    Very beautiful, very chill and fun, and most importantly, it's free! Everyone should try out this game.

    F U R R Y S H A D E S O F G A Y

    19/19 (100%), 8.8 hours

    I don't think this game requires much explanation on what it is, but I will give you a good review anyway.

    Furry Shades of Gay is a visual novel type of game with Match 3 puzzle gameplay between each branching story option. Your success in the Match 3 game at each branch affects the choices you can select, though most of the time you can select freely as getting the choices unlocked is rather easy.

    The gameplay is solid and fun, the artwork and animation are actually pretty good and honestly hot, and the writing is decent, but nothing ground breaking. The game does have voice acted scenes, but some sounds were not entirely realistic and sometimes broke the immersion a little bit. It's easy to tell that this game isn't your regular shovelware hentai game out here on steam. You can tell that there was actual effort put into the game and I enjoyed that more than anything else in the game.

    Other than that I don't really have much to say about this one, it's porn, it's furry. It's pretty alright and I enjoyed 100% it. It's very much 100% gay, but I'm sure you got that from the name alone. If you want this kind of content, it's a good recommendation for it, and I think the price of it isn't half bad either. I definitely recommend it.

    S Y N T H E T I C L O V E R

    19/19 (100%), 8.9 hours

    Step into the world of Synthetic Lover, where it is the year 2066 and the futuristic world has managed to create android companions, biologically engineered humanoids a.k.a Biots, that are almost identical to humans. They are the majority of the workforce in this world and are considered as items or any other tech.

    You play as a Biot, Unit 352, who works as a sexual companion biot at an establishment called Dollhouse. His days go on as normal until crossing paths with an opportunistic thief called Bastian and a mysterious device in his possession that causes Unit 352 to start feeling more human-like feelings.

    Synthetic Lover is a BL/Yaoi visual novel game with 2 main love interests, 1 extra side romance, 7 different endings and a fully voice acted story. There is also a free 18+ Adult Only patch DLC that you can get which will make certain scenes extra spicy!

    As a fan of BL/Yaoi VNs this was definitely one of the more good ones in my opinion! The story was super interesting to me and I loved all the scenes. The art is so beautiful and the fact that the whole game is voice acted was fantastic! There was a few hiccups here and there with some voice lines being in the wrong order, but they were not that bad and there were just a few of those.

    I really enjoyed this game and I definitely would recommend it to any BL/Yaoi VN lovers. Definitely recommend getting the free 18+ patch as well, as long as you are of age. Definitely worth the high price tag.

    April 2024 -  13 New games, 3 Completed