Well, the year 2024 is over and we move into the next. This year has been really tough for me personally with gaming, as I have been struggling starting games that take longer to complete, as well as trying to select the games that I want to focus first on.
I joined BLAEO as a result of wanting to join Play or Pay, which I did, and it was certainly a good decision in regards of conquering my choice paralysis. The people at Play or Pay discord have been so welcoming and lovely and I have had a blast with talking with some like minded people! There was also a couple of old friends there who I hadn't chatted with for a while.
As we enter the new year of 2025, my plan with my backlog is most likely going to change a bit. I will try my damnest to enjoy games without focusing too much on the 100% aspect. It was an ambitious goal of mine to 100% all of my backlog, but as the months go by and I get more and more awesome games in my library, the goal seems to be further and further away. I need to make a reality check and try to wire my brain to just enjoy games without the 100%. I do hope I can manage that, but I have never tried, I have always tried to go for 100%, so this is going to be something totally new for me. Please keep my struggles in your thoughts lol.
Speaking of goals and backlog, one other goal I want to try and accomplish during 2025 is to not buy any games unless I want to play it right that instant. I have a bad habit of buying games that seem neat and not play them right away because I think, "I'll try this soon!" when in reality it will stay still in my backlog for years, untouched and forgotten.
Anyway, I have rambled on enough, so lets get to the stats part of this post! How many games I completed this year, how many games I added to my backlog, how many of those where gifts, giveaway wins, curator connect games etc etc.
C o m p l e t e d t o t a l:......81
▶ o n S t e a m:......72
▶ o n I t c h . i o:.....7
▶ o n DD:.................1
▶ o n M o b i l e:.....1
F a v o r i t e g a m e s f r o m t h i s y e a r:
Assassin's Creed II
Synthetic Lover
The Wolf Among Us
F a v o r i t e s c r e e n s h o t s t a k e n t h i s y e a r:
T o t a l g a m e s a d d e d:........................205
▶ g a m e s b o u g h t:....................46
▶ k i c k s t a r t e r p l e d g e s:....1
▶ t r a d e d g a m e s:.....................21
▶ f r e e 2 p l a y g a m e s:.............24
▶ c u r a t o r c o n n e c t:...............34
▶ g i f t e d b y f r i e n d s:............68
▶ g i v e a w a y s w o n:..................11
Playing through Steam. I consider this game as endless as it's a MMO and there is a lot to do. I usually put it on hold when I can't afford to buy the membership.
The Elder Scrolls Online:
Playing through their own launcher. Similarly to the above, as it is an MMO, there is a lot to do and will most likely be an endless game. I also only play the game when I can afford ESO plus.
Sid Meier's Civilization V:
Playing through Steam. One of the games I really wanted to try and 100%, but there is just too many achievements and I am getting bored with the game. I did get half-way though, so I would consider that an accomplishment in itself! Will probably mark this beaten in 2025 when I decide to drop it.
Monster Hunter: World:
Playing through Steam. We started this game with my husband and we are pretty close to the end game! I still have ambitious plans of 100% this game, and I will still try to do it in 2025. We have been taking a bit of a break with this game, but will likely continue it in 2025.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition:
Playing through Steam. I had played this game previously with a lot of mods and the achievements didnt unlock, so my plan for 2025 is to 100% special edition of skyrim. It won't be too hard as I have 100% skyrim previously already.
Red Dead Redemption 2:
Playing through the Rockstar Games launcher. I've already beaten this game once, but my second playthrough is still ongoing and I want to try and 100% it. If I don't manage it though, it's fineee! I still gotta play it through steam anyway and can try to 100% it them xD.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Playing through Steam. I am sooo close to 100% so that will definitely happen in 2025. I finished my honor run in October so the hardest is behind me at least.
Grand Theft Auto V:
Playing through the Rockstar Games launcher. I played a lot of the online mode with friends, but I still need to complete the main story mode! Probably not going to 100% this game as there is a lot of secrets and the rockstar achievements are a bit weird.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard:
Playing through Steam. I'm taking my sweet time with this game as I am really excited for it, so it will be awhile before I will count it as completed. Plan is also to get all achievements.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:
Playing through Steam. I am still going through the assassin's creed games on steam, I've already completed these games up until Black Flag, but the plan is to 100% them, so they take a bit, because of the collectibles.
Detroit: Become Human:
Playing through Steam. I started this game on stream so I haven't played it outside of stream. Last stream I had was .. a year ago. So this is going to be awhile before I can complete it, unless I get really excited about streaming again.
Sudoku Universe:
Playing through Steam. Little bit of sudoku once in awhile. I thought this game would be a fast completion, but there is a lot of levels to do! I am not rushing it as I really like doing sudoku puzzles when chilling, so this is my while chilling game.
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition:
Playing through Steam. One of those games I started for Play or Pay, but I didn't manage to complete it during the cycle I started it for. It's really difficult and I really want to finish it, but I will probably not 100% it.
Baimason's Thing Finder Puzzle:
Playing through Steam. Lovely little game, I have completed all the main puzzles already, but I still want to try and get one of the achievements atleast, which requires you to do 30 days of the daily puzzle.
Love and Deepspace:
Playing on mobile. Hot anime husbands have me hooked, so I have been playing this one a lot. This game seems to be an endless one, but I will play it until I feel bored!
Fallout 76:
Playing through Steam. I played this some in April when I won it, but I put it on the backburner for now because I want to try and finish all the other fallout games that I own before investing more into the MMO.
College Craze:
Playing through Steam. I have done all the content there is currently, but it is not finished yet, so I have retired it for now to wait for more content.
Lilith's Throne:
Playing through a Direct Download. It's a big game so there is a lot of content, and you can play in different ways so I still have it as an ongoing game. There is also more content coming, and the main quest isn't finished yet.
Oh that is one interesting looking post. Nice job on what you did and good luck with your goal of just buying to play. I know weve had a few won’t buy anything until I did a certain amount, always a good goal to keep minimum 1:1 ratio
thanks! i really do need to try and atleast balance my ratio to 1:1 xD .. currently its a lot more than i would like it to be..
How about get yourself 2 more games then thats it. Cuz right now you got 1232
nahhh I’ll just play the ones I got :P